Chapter 98

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Chapter 98: I’m pregnant with his child

I stopped walking. There happened to be a bench for us to sit on. I went over and gestured Gao Jialan to sit down as well. After she was seated, I continued, “I wanted to hear you lie. I wanted you to tell me that there is no relationship between you and the Wen clan. But I know I’m just lying to myself. If you and the Wen clan have no relationship, why would Wen Yufan randomly appear in my living room? But what I don’t understand is why, you, as the granddaughter-in-law of the Wen clan, are not on the news? I have never seen any reports about you. Also, what are you running from?”

Gao Jialan sighed as she lifted her head. She had a mocking expression on her face. “Do you honestly think the Wen clan would allow an older woman with no background to be their granddaughter-in-law? An orphan? Yufan and I signed the marriage certificate secretly. Only the family is aware of this.”

Currently, I pictured Gao Jialan as Cinderella and Wen Yufan as the Prince.

“I’m not going to ask you the specifics. But the accident from a month ago…”

“Yufan and I signed the marriage certificate this Spring. But two months ago, his grandfather suddenly brought Wen Yihan home and announced to everyone that he was his son. Although the company seemed to be functioning fine on the surface, all the family members were going nuts. Originally, Yufan and I had already moved out. But because of this issue, Yufan had to temporarily return home to help deal with the situation.”

“Wen Yihan is Wen Yufan’s uncle, right? The illegitimate child!” Thinking back to my brief encounter with that man, I began to shiver. It was obvious that he was a person who had been through a lot.

“Yes, it is fate. Who would’ve thought that the chairman would suddenly pop out an illegitimate child…” Gao Jialan’s voice was turning lighter and lighter. I could barely hear what she was saying.

Before I could ask, she continued.

“Afterwards, although the family members calmed down, my father-in-law suddenly became ill. He had a hard time accepting he had another brother. So, Yufan and my mother-in-law were going to take him to suburbs to recuperate. Who would’ve thought that they would die in a car accident along the way…”

Gao Jialan covered and face as she began to choke with emotions. She couldn’t continue anymore.

The death of Wen Yufan must have been a huge shock to Gao Jialan. By demanding for the truth, I had neglected the negative impact it may have on her. I was wrong. Now, I felt quite guilty…

“Sorry. If you don’t want to say it, don’t force yourself. I kind of understand now…. Let’s not talk about it! Let’s not talk about it!” I patted her on the back and wanted to change the atmosphere.

“Actually, the more I tell you, the more you’ll know. But the more you know, the more danger you’ll be in. Throughout history, the wealthy have always used the most ruthless tactics. My only wish is to quietly hide in your apartment for three months; until the waves are quiet.”

“Hide? Are you hiding from the family?”

“Do you really think the car accident was an accident? Right after Yufan and his parents died, Wen Yihan took this opportunity to become the CEO of the company. For someone who is part of the family, I have no choice but to hide!” Gao Jialan blurted.

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