Chapter 153

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Chapter 153: Happy ending

This time I was actually stunned. I stared at Suyang. "Why would you come?"

"Why are you overreacting? I'm fired anyways. There's nothing for me to do in City A. Why can't I go to your city and see how you've been living? Unless you have some secrets you don't want me to know about?"

"Stop stop stop! You're creating scenarios in your head! I'm just surprised. So are thinking of becoming an author again?"

"If I want to find inspiration, going to your city is the best way. When your location changes, your mood naturally changes. Anyway, book me a ticket as well."

"You're so stubborn..." I muttered with resentment. Nonetheless, I included Suyang on the flight.


So, on a bright sunny day in April, Suyang and I flew to City B together. The moment the flight landed, I received Xialing's pressuring call. "Have you arrived? Where are you now?"

"Mm. I just landed."

"Do you want Zhou Zhen to pick you up? He's around the airport area right now."

"Nah, it's fine. Suyang and I came back together. We're going to take a taxi. Don't worry about it."

"What?! Suyang is back too!?!" Xialing screeched so loud that she nearly shattered my ear drums. "W-why is he back? What is he doing here? Why didn't you tell me in advance?"

"Why are you reacting so dramatically? He's just here to take a look."

"Alright. Got it! Return to the firm first." Xialing rushed to hang up. I listened to the disconnected beeping sound and blinked. Then, I turned to Suyang. "Have you offended Xialing before?"

"No, why?"

"It's kind of strange. I feel like the punk quite dislikes you. Anyhow, just be prepared. We're heading to the firm first."

Suyang disregarded my warning. "She's a punk. What could she do to me?"

That's what we thought. However, when we arrived at the firm, Suyang and I were astonished by the bright red banner that was hanging by the door. On it were the words: Ghost and Suyang are not allowed in.

Wow... how awkward....

I gazed at Suyang. Contrary to me, he was much more relaxed. It was like he wasn't affected at all. He totally ignored it and casually asked, "Is this your firm?"


"Not bad! Let's go in." Suyang grabbed my hand and walked in like it was his own office.

I wonder why Xialing has such a deep hatred towards Suyang. She actually created this banner within the hour that it took us to get here. This is the first time she has ever been so efficient. Normally, it would take her half an hour just to get me a cup of water..... What happened between them? I was quite curious.

The moment I pushed open the door, I saw Xialing standing there with her arms crossed. She puffed out her face like a bun as she pointed at Suyang. "Why are you here?"

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