From Bad to Worse

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Ranumi's POV

I don't what, why or how, but one thing I know is that someone is behind all this... And trying to tear my family apart... Especially Hayami.

She had been in our room for three weeks and barely fed. What's worst is that one day after training, Mari sliced off the mark on my sister's arm. Literally cutting the skin off.

Thankfully, her wound healed completely during those weeks after fully recovering her entire body in the healing pool. Sadly after the mark had been removed, it was gone... Meaning that Hayami and Hiei were no longer mates.

Though that's not what I'm worried about right now.

There are some things about demons mating and that adolescent demons like me are aware off. Especially when it comes to the female ones. If a male demon mate dies, so will the female in a matter of time, either deciding to find another mate to survive or forever stay loyal and wait for her time to die. For male demons it's different, they don't die but it's their choice to find another mate or stay loyal. In Hayami's case, it's a matter of time when she'll die now that her connection with Hiei is no longer there.

I asked our uncle and father to bring me to Alaric in order to tell Hiei and mother the situation or that our beloved fire demon must've not notice. They refused on letting me go, but agreed and let Yaketsuku come in my place. Our grandfather often visits Hayami in attempts of comfort after hearing what happened, to which she was alright with.

Mari was sent to the prison dungeon for her actions and was confined there until grandfather's judgement was made. As much as I want death to be her judgment, I know her death has to be slain by my mother or Hayami after what she has done.

Homura was with us at all times, not wanting to take any risk when my sister is at her vulnerability with our grandfather. Not to mention, letting two trusted guards watch over us when she wasn't around. I first thought it was a bit much, but then again, one can never be too careful.

I always see Namiyo in the room, sitting calmly as we watched us from time to time every time I woke up. He doesn't seem bad at all.

But waking up somewhere I didn't recognize was not I was expecting next.

I woke up it what appeared to be a steel room. Not to mention that the air is a little cold. I looked around and saw a decaying demon, his wrists are chained up and his foot were chopped off. From the looks of things, he has been here for recently from the wounds then was dumped and no doubt left for death.

But where exactly am I?

Suddenly the steel vault like doors opened up as two figures entered, but only for my eyes to widen upon seeing a familiar redheaded boy. Kurama. Then this means I'm in Yomi's territory in Gandara.

"His decay has become much worst since the last few days. He hardly speaks anymore, it hurts him to much." The demon beside him said, whom I could only guess is Yomi. He then turn to face me as I saw Kurama's reaction which is the same as mine. Shocked. "Ah, it would seem that you have finally awaken, my dear. I've been meaning to meet you."

"Yomi..." I said as I looked at the King of Gandara,

Third POV

"What do you mean you don't know where she is?!" Homura demanded to one of the guards that was assigned to watch over the two girls while she was away for a few minutes. "If you don't explain things this instant I will burn you into ashes!" She threatened as her aura literally lit up in flames with her eyes glowed in irritation to the guard in front of her.

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