A Reason to Fight pt. 2

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Third POV

"Yusuke just shot his Spirit Gun at point blank range. Or since he used his demon energy should I say his Demon Gun. Whatever the case, I love it!" Koto announced, "That must me some to die for pain Yomi's going through now!"

Yusuke gasp a little to see a green energy ball crashing down in the distance, revealing Yomi inside surround by it.

"Again against all odds, Yomi has managed to escape the brunt of Yusuke's demon gun entirely unscathed. With some sort of last second force field." Koto said,

"Demon energy Absorbing Wall." Yomi said, "As you have seen both now and in my fight with Shura, it is invincible to any attack."

"We'll see!" Yusuke said as he pointed his finger once more,

"It's no use." Yomi said to him,

"Then if you don't mind I'll try!" Yusuke then started blasting the wall with his energy nonstop despite of it being absorbed continuously,

"Undeterred, Yusuke keeps firing shot after shot, but to no avail, he may as well be firing blanks." Koto commented,

"I don't know what Yusuke thinks he's doing, but at this point he's just exhausting his energy supply." Kurama said,

"Firing all you want, it will not make a difference

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"Firing all you want, it will not make a difference." Yomi said cockily until he felt a thin slice on the skin of his cheekbones. "What?!"

The sight of this shocked the others in realization.

"It can't be..." Koenma breath out as Yusuke kept firing his energy at Yomi that a small part of it is breaking through the wall, causing Yomi to feel pain.

"It can't. How could he?!" Yomi asked in disbelief of his wall being penetrated,

"That's Spirit Energy!" Ranumi said,

"Yes of course!" Kurama exclaimed in conclusion, "He's mixing his spirit energy together with his demon energy!"

"It's only possible with an the odd origin that me and Yusuke have been born with to make it happen." Hayami said in realization,

"He's not just a fool after all." Hiei said,

Yomi was being pushed and stumbled back as Yusuke's spirit energy was doing a number on him. The Mazoku marks started to disappear as his spirit energy overpowering his demon energy. Yusuke then fired a giant spirit gun blast towards Yomi, breaking his wall completely as an explosion was made that looked similar to a nuclear explosion, followed by a blinding bright light that can be seen from the main building of the tournament.

"At what looks to be an act of mutual destruction, Yusuke's spirit gun blast was so robust it consumes him along with Yomi. This could be a tragic end for two brave warriors." Koto announce as everyone eyes the screen despite the spreading fire that covered the field of the explosion.

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