"Merry Christmas" Moxiety

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Tw: u!patton

Virgil was gonna go home for the holidays. But he obviously didn't, it wouldn't be fair on Patton.
but he forced you to stay because he's selfish
But he wasn't sad about that! He got to spend it with his boyfriend!
instead of your family
Patton loved him, and Virgil loved him back. That was the important thing.

"Merry Christmas!" Patton exclaimed, waking up Virgil.
"Oh, you too patton" Virgil said, rubbing his eyes.
"Cheer up Stormcloud, it's Christmas!" Patton said, pulling the curtains.
"S-sorry, just tired is all"
"It's fine. Now stop being such a grinch and let's give eachother our presents!" He said, practically dragging Virgil out of bed.
"I got you this one. I spent a long time trying to find it, I hope you like it!" He said as he passed Virgil the soft gift. Cautiously unwrapping his present, a jacket fell onto his lap. It was a black hoddie with purple plaid stitched onto  it.
"W-wow Patton, this is really cool.." he said
"I know right! I thought its suit you, after all, you've pretty much claimed the colour purple!" He said, smiling.
"I guess I have" he laughed,
"Well go on, try it on" Patton said. Virgil took off the one he was currently wearing. The one Janus had given to them as kids. One of the people Virgil was meant to be seeing this Christmas.
"Hello? Put it on" Patton snapped in his face, bringing Virgil back. He put his arms through the new one, already missing the warmth of his 'old' one.
"It looks so good on you! Much better than that scruffy one that friend got you." He said. Virgil just smiled. He actually wanted to scream and cry. He wanted to rip this imposter jersey of his body, tear it to shreds and burn it. Patton knew how much he cared for that jersey, knowing this was just one way tht he could get his 'boyfriend' to cave in even more.
"Merry christmas" he said with teary eyes.

Just a quick little thing I made in for christmas :)
Happy holidays guys (✿^‿^) (thx for the emote sage >:) )

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