"Oh calm down, I haven't even done anything...yet." (Stars fall)

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Carrying on with that little dark sides story, the one where Janus broke Virgil's kneecaps.
Tw: (idk why I bother with them still) u!Janus, u!Remus.

Escaping was the one topic that never seemed to leave Virgil's mind.

The word swirled around his mind all day, filling his head with delusional dreams, dreams of which, could and would never happen.

That didn't mean he wanted to stay though, living with Remus was hell.

He just couldn't leave. For good, that is. No matter how much he told himself, there was no one out there who really cared. Not enough to drop everything to help someone like anxiety.

The name felt sour on his tounge, an unpleasant taste that lingered in his mouth, reminding him of who he was, and who he would always be.

A nuisance, an annoyance, which is why he could never truly leave the darks.

That didn't stop him from doing his own exploring though.

Sure, it was already hard enough to leave the house on a daily basis, but he couldn't sit still and put up with being locked away. Not anymore.

Virgil knew he shouldn't sneak behind their backs, leaving to go live out some delusional dream. He should just suck it up, this was the life of a darkside after all.

Yet, he couldn't stop himself from whipping on a jacket one night and creep over to the window, almost as if he wasn't in control of his own movements, a weird feeling at the very least.

Virgil slid his window open, determined to get out. To leave the confinded space he was forced to exist in.

Climbing through the window, he stepped onto the roof, being careful not to slip. Virgil jumped, feeling the ground shock pulse through his ankles as he made contact with the dewy grass outside his home, if he could even call it that.

Pulling a hood over his head, Virgil ran. He didn't know where, at this point he didn't even care, he just knew he wanted to be far away from that house.

Out of breath, Virgil toppled to the ground, shivering at the cold grass beneath him.

A giddy smile found its way onto Virgil's lips, making him let out a small laugh. Moments like this made him feel free.

Virgil rolled onto his back, looking up at the stars that sprinkled the sky, one of the reasons he loved coming out here. It was nice, like only Virgil existed in that very moment.

His trance was very quickly ended as he felt something heavy on his stomach.

Frantically sitting up, Virgil froze at the sight of bloody boots pushing down on his stomach.

Remus smiled.

"Decided to take a walk, huh?" He giggled, grabbing Virgil up by his collar, noticing the way Virgil tried and failed to talk.

"Wait, I-" Virgil started, tears already brimming in his eyes. He couldn't even find it himself to talk, his nerves shutting him down.

"Awh, now you have nothing to say for yourself?" Remus said, beginning to drag him back towards the house, snapping Virgil out of his trance.

Bursting into tears, Virgil weakly tugged at Remus to let him go, growing dizzy as fear flowed through his veins.

He tried twisting and turning in Remus' grip, desperate to get out of his uncomfortably firm grasp.

Virgil violently jolted, making Remus' grip turn loose, giving Virgil an opportunity to run away.

Almost falling over, Virgil sprinted in the direction of the imagination, the only place he could think of to get away from Remus.

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