"Is there something you're not telling me?" (Logicality)

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Tw: the usual, headphones blasting scary shit, abusive relationships, you get it

Logan never really thought anything was wrong. After all, Patton had helped pay for his university, bought him nice things and gave him a roof over his head. So he should be grateful, right? Yes he controlled who he talked to and didn't let him go out without his permission, but that's what caring boyfriends do, isn't it?

When he started hanging out with Remus, he decided not to tell Patton. Not in a bad way, he just...didn't want him to get the wrong idea. Not after last time. But when he started getting feelings for the chaotic man, Logan didn't know what to do. Of course he couldn't tell Patton, he'd be dead! But at the same time, he couldn't date two guys at once. That's just...wrong.


10:00pm, shit, he was dead. He didn't realize him and Remus had been hanging out so long. Would Patton notice? He might've just gone to bed right??


That was stupid. Of course he'd know. He knows everything about Logan. By the time Remus had dropped him off, it was 10:27pm. He gave him a hug and a weak smile, reassuring him that he'd be okay. Lies. He creaked the door open, looking around for his boyfriend. he wasn't there? Logan thought. why wouldn't he be there?. Shutting the door, Logan quietly slipped off his shoes, creeping down the hallway. Bracing himself, he walked into their shared room. To his surprise, Patton wasn't there. Logan let out a breath he had been holding, when all of a sudden, Patton wrapped his arm around Logans neck.
"Hi Logie~" he said in his sickly sweet voice,
"P-patton!" Logan tried to act surprised, fully knowing he was done.

"Oh don't play dumb, I saw you kiss that filthy man. I'm confused, what has he got that I don't, Logan? An obnoxious personality? No manners? Honestly Lo-lo, I thought you had better taste than that." He said, pushing Logan against the wall.
"P-patton I'm sorry! I just- I don't know what I was thinking! I shouldn't have cheated and-" he was cut off as Patton slapped him,
"You got that last bit right!" He said, dragging him into the lounge.
"You know, you're lucky I'm not going to do something worse. In fact, you should be thanking me for what im about to do." His voiced was raised more than before. Logan struggled in Pattons grip, Patton was dragging him by the time they were outside. They walked over to the shed.

So much had happened there.

The imagines from the first time they were in there flooded Logans fuzzy memory. Tears threatening to fall, he starting pleading and apologizing to Patton. He wasn't having any of it. Patton pulled out a key from his pocket, unlocking the metal door. Once inside, he threw the crying man in the floor, proceeding to chain up his ankle.

"I hope you know how badly I want to ruin you for this. But I won't. Because unlike you, I am a nice partner. A partner who doesn't cheat, a partner who is loyal. You're none of those things!" he yelled at Logan. He was sobbing now, knowing what was going to happen.

Patton slipped headphones over his ears, and tied his hands roughly tiegther with some rope. The screams and sobs of people could be heard from the doorway, already making Logan shake. Patton locked the door on his departure.

This was going to be a long night.


Quirkies if im gonna be honest, I found this and was confused as to why I never uploaded it, so here you go. LMAO.

Also, yes I'm open for prompts, I always am :)

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