"I wouldn't miss these for the world!" (Stars fall)

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Tw: broken bones, branding, u!Remus.
This is apart of that little au I seem to love!

With each careful step he took, Virgil winced, praying he wouldn't hear that God awful creak underneath him.

It wasn't like there was alot of him that would cause the stairs to creak, but you never new. Especially in Virgil's case.

Taking the last few steps down the stairs, Virgil's heart stopped in his chest. The thing he feared most at this time of night.


Rushing down the stairs as quickly and quietly as he could mange, Virgil made a silent bolt to the kitchen, opting to hide down by the cupboards.

There, he held his breath, heart thumping in his ears, violent tears threatening to fall.

Virgil stayed there, waiting for something, or someone to come find him.

He didn't know what he was trying to achieve, hell, he even knew he wouldn't get anything but a beating out of it, but he still wanted, no, needed to try get out.

He couldn't stand it here anymore. He craved the closure of knowing why he was being treated like this. What was the difference between him and the other sides? Why did he have to be singled out.

Those thoughts plagued his mind on repeat, gliding around his mind every second of the day. He needed out, something had to be done.

He couldn't lie to himself anymore.

Breathing picking up, Virgil noticed his body starting to shake, the overthinking and worry taking a massive toll on his mind couldn't risk at the moment.

Virgil grabbed his shaky hands, pinching himself, begging himself to stop shaking.

A light being flicked on made Virgil freeze.

His mind screamed at him to get up, to yell, to fight, to move, but his body refused, planting itself on the cold kitchen tiles.

Virgil stared wide eyed at his hands, mind racing far faster that it ever had before.

Out of no where, an arm wrapped around Virgil's neck, twisting him around before making its way to his throat, slamming his head back and wrapping a hand around Virgil's neck in one fluid movement.

Virgil cried out when his head his the cabinet, tears spilling from his eyes.

As he looked up, his mind shattered.

Brown eyes started back at him, surrounded by scales and a nasty glint hidden within.

Janus' head got closer to Virgil, head tilting as his eyes darkened even more.

"Here for a midnight feast are we?" He said, squeezing tighter around Virgil's neck before lightening up.

"No! Please let me-!" Virgil stammered, letting a sob rip through his body, causing a fist to connect with his stomach.

"Answer my fucking question, then we'll talk." Janus said, earning a cry from Virgil.

Janus' gripped loosened just enough for Virgil to talk.

"I- I just wanted to get some food-" Virgil said, being cut off with a slap to the face.

"Are you seriously trying to lie to the embodiment of lies? Try again or I might stop being so nice." He hissed.

"I wanted out!" Virgil sobbed, "I can't take it anymore, I- I need to leave!" He shouted, body wracking with sobs.

"Hm." Janus said, dropping Virgil to the ground, who curled up into what he could make of a ball.

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