"Stay away from me" (Remile 2)

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Tw: Bipolar Remy (sorry if this isn't very accurate)

Emile woke up hours later. His trobbing headache dying down to a mild one. He looked around him to see a room with a few posters, a pastel pink dresser and a few stuffed toys for decoration. He sat up rubbing his eyes, dreading seeing his ex bff. As expected, he was locked in.
"Hey, Remy? You there?" He hesitanly asked through the door. He heard footsteps coming towards the door, stepping away to allow room for him to enter the room.
"Sleep well?" Remy said as he walked through the door,
"Uh, y-yeah, my head doesn't hurt as much," he said, the atmosphere tense,
"Good. I made you some breakfast. You can come on out and we'll talk if you want," he said. Emile followed him into the kitchen, the smell of pancakes in the air. He sat down and started eating them, being cautious as if to make sure it was safe to eat. He gave up the act, and surrended into hunger, devouring the dish before him.
"Damn, someones hungry." Remy laughed, and Emile gave a small smile, as if his best friend hadn't just kidnapped him. No. He couldn't think like that. There was still hope. He just needed to think.
"Emmy?" Remy snapped him out of his thoughts,
"Heh, sorry," he apologized, "just got lost in thought" he explained, not wanting to go into further detail.
"Alright, so. I'm feeling nice, so I'll let you ask a few questions, but don't test my temper, m'kay" he said, and something sparked inside Emile. He had the tiniest bit of hope. Now to word his questions properly.
"Why...why? Why you take me away from my life, my friends, my family?" He asked in all seriousness. Remy thought for a moment, as if trying to find the right response
"Because I'm in love with you. I always have been. I wanted you, and I to be together, forever! And you're here now, and, and-" He rambled on, growing more and more physcotic per second,
"We could've talked! We could've, sorted something, this isn't right, none of this is normal Remy, what do you not understand!" He screamed,
"SHUT UP!" Remy said with a slap to Emiles face. He was knocked onto the ground, tears pricking his eyes.
"I- Em, I'm sorry, you know how I-" he said, trying to help Emile up,
"Just, stay away from me." He said as he got up and walked to his 'room'.
Remy slid down the wall, internally cursing himslef for fucking up.
"I love you" he whispered, hiding his head in between his knees.

Emile was lying in his bed, curled up and crying. Everything was a mess. He was a mess, this was a mess, and Remy was falling apart. It was scary to say the least. One minute he would be kind and compassionate, the next he could be a flaming wreck. He sat up and dried his tears, putting his glasses on which helped him see this hell hole more clearly. He walked out into the lounge, where he saw Remy on his phone.
"Hey..." he said. Remy looked up.
"Look, I'm sorry for before, you know how I get," he said,
"Its-its fine. You didn't mean it, I get that." He remarked. Remy sighed with relief, going over to hug Emile, who reluctantly let him do so.
"You hungry?" He asked. Emile nodded, sitting on the couch.

Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all.

I really like this. I'm gonna make a part three to this. Thanks to Queen_lemonator for the prompt :)

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