"Doesn't feel nice, does it?" (Lavender Pain)

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Real continuation of lavender pain. (Canon version)
U!Janus and U!Virgil!!


"I- let me take the punishment, please Virgil! It wasn't Logan's fault, I-I was distracting him." Remus pleaded, noticing the subtle yet frantic shake of Logan's head.

Virgil stared at him with some form of disgust.

"Don't you even try to take his punishment. Go to your room, I'll deal with you later." Virgil growled, sinking out with Logan.


With a flick of Virgil's wrist, Remus was thrown into his room. The four walls he was meant to find comfort in only managed to sicken him.

"Virgil wait-!" Remus' desperate words reached someone who hadn't a single care for then.

Collapsing onto the ground, Remus burst into tears, letting his body rip apart with pain. Logan was gone again. Why couldn't he keep him all for himself? Why was this happening to him? It wasn't fair.

Hugging himself, Remus lied down on the ground, letting his body find what little comfort lay within their carpet.

Tears ran from his eyes, almost as if they were desperate for freedom, rolling down Remus' cheeks as they cheered in victory.

And Remus, he craved that. The feeling of being trapped was beginning to consume him.

All Remus could do was let his tears fall. At least his emotions would be out of his system for a while now.

As he lay on the ground, running out of breath from crying, thoughts of how he used to be popped up. What small memories he had of when he was happy swarmed his mind, reminding him of times he was free, without Virgil or Janus, times with Logan.

Stopping himself from crying, Remus sat up, angrily wiping at his tears. Virgil wasn't going to win! Not this time anyway. This was a war, a war between him and his pride, and Remus always goes down with a fight.

Standing up, Remus wiped his nose with his sleeve, taking a shaky breath, a look sharp with malice cut through his door, the door that was no longer going to confine him.

Stomping over, Remus opened the door, cautiously peering down both sides of the hallway.

Creeping out, Remus shut his door with a certain blue room in mind.

Remus wasted no time in tiptoeing down the hall, stopping when he came face to face with a sky blue door, realistic looking clouds painted across the door.

Remus knocked, anxiously waiting as he looked around for anyone coming.

"Come in!" a cherry voice broke the tence silence, inviting Remus into the comforting room.

"What's- Remus?" Patton exclaimed, face scrunching up to replace the once warm expression.

"Patton! Sorry to uh, disturb you, but I kinda need to ask something-" Remus said, eyes still bloodshot, running shaky hands through his hair.

Patton had already jumped up from his bed. "Woah woah, hey, sit down? Are you okay?" Patton asked, pulling out his desk chair for Remus to sit on, who glady took the seat.

"What? Oh it's nothing, can I just hang in here for a bit? My uh, room stinks." Remus said, brushing a hand past his nose in an attempt to not cry again.

"Well it's very cleary something! Look at you, your eyes are red and your face is-" Patton began to fuss over Remus, checking to see if he was hurt anywhere.

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