"You'll be the one paying the price" (Losleep)

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He just wanted to sleep. Was it too much to ask for? Just five minutes of shut eye, away from the seemingly endless pile of paper. But he couldn't. He would find out, and the last time that happened, things didn't go well for Logan.

Its only five minutes, he won't mind, right? If he just, goes to bed, he won't find out.

Logan practically fell of his chair, crawling into bed and under the covers. He didnt care at this rate, what more could Remy do? He's been sleep deprived for almost 3 days, may as well call him a college student.

He woke up to a light shaking, wearily opening his eyes to reveal a...kind looking Remy?
"Hey LoLo, how's the nap?" He asked in a soothing tone. This couldn't be happening right? Remy was meant to be pissed at him, not, encouraging him to go back to sleep,
"I'm sorry, i-ill-"

"No no, it's fine, you can go back to sleep" he said, stroking Logan's hair, encouraging him to sleep again.
Logan couldn't decline the offer, shutting his eyes letting his world turn to black.

"You'll be the one paying the price"

Logan perked his head up, looking at Remy worriedly.

"W-what do you mean?" He asked

"Well, think of it. If you sleep, work doesn't get done, therefore Thomas won't get it done. Then he'll be scolded, potentially loose his job. You wouldn't want to be the cause of that now, would you Logie" he said, caressing his cheeck,

"I...suppose not. I apologize Remy." He said, walking back to his desk like a zombie,

"Just don't make a habit of it, m'kay babes."

God me writing non physical stuff, who is this kid?

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