"Stop fighting. You take them off yourself or I'll do it for you." (Stars fall)

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Tw: unsympathetic everyone but Virgil, rape (not that detailed but it's there, I'll put these * for those parts), shit ton of abuse.
Also, there's no relationships in here. Maybe moxiety, you decide.

Life with the darks was the epidimy of hell.

He could never catch a break. He wasn't safe anywhere. Not his room, not in his closet, not even outside!

Any corner he turned, any place he hid, they'd always find him, dragging him out to face even more torment.

He hoped the lights were out there. Somewhere. They had to find him at some point. He couldn't live like this any longer. He felt like he was drowning, being dragged to the bottom of the river, watching his freedom slip from his weak grasp.

He couldn't hold on any longer.


Virgil cautiously made his way down the stairs, memorizing where to step to not make a sound.

He peeked through the railing, letting out a breath when he saw no one in the kitchen.

Walking down the stairs, he tiptoed to the pantry, grabbing as many snacks as he could carry. He didn't want to have to come back down again.

As he was shoving some chips into his pockets, he heard heavy footsteps coming down the stairs.

"Shit." He mumbled, putting down some of his things and quickly bolting to the side of the couch, hiding behind it.

Janus reached the bottom of the stairs, not missing the movement in the corner of his eyes. He walked over to where Virgil was hiding, the other holding his breath, praying he didn't notice.

Janus grabbed him by him by the hood, hoisting him up and flipping him to face him.

Virgil froze, staring at Janus with wide eyes.

"What the fuck are you doing? Stealing food? Really?" He hissed, making Virgil flinch.

"I just- needed something so I-I didn't have to come back down." He said, turning his head to the side. He knew what was coming.

"So you think that gives you the excuse to steal our fucking food? To just, eat whenever you feel like it?!" He yelled, dropping Virgil to the ground with a thud.

"Ja- Deceit, I'm sorry. I-I'll put it back, I won't do it again." He said frantically, trying to stand back up, stopping when a foot kicked into his stomach, holding him down.

"Well it's too late now. If you just listened to our fucking rules you wouldn't be in this position." He spat, putting more weight onto Virgil's gut.

Janus yelled out to Remus, making Virgil frantically shake his head.

"Wait wait wait no, Dee please, I'm sorry! You can punish me instead, just please, not him! Please you know how much he hurts me! Dee PLEASE!" Virgil pleaded, crying out when the pressure got too much on his stomach.

Remus eventually rose up, confused at first, then catching on as he saw Virgil on the floor. A sick grin made its way onto his face.

"I need you to sort him out. Again." Janus said off-handedly, making Virgil shake even more.

"Sure thing Jan!" Remus said, practically skipping over to Virgil, who was trying and failing to scoot away.

"Wait Deceit please! Don't let him take me! Please don't I'm begging you!" He said, starting to cry at this point.

Remus just laughed, picking him up by his arm. Virgil tried yanking his arm away, kicking Remus' legs, which didn't phase him.

Remus started dragging him into their spare room they used for punishments.

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