"Now you have an excuse to bitch and moan!" (Dukexiety)

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Tyank you to GiveMeMyOwn for the prompt. I am so sorry this took so long, I hope it's ok though.
Tw: u!Remus, being buried alive.

Virgil wasn't expecting to be dragged out of his bed and into the backyard in the middle of the night.

Remus had a tight grip on the emos shirt collar, dragging him down the stairs and chucking him outside, locking the door once they were both out.

Virgil was dazed, rubbing his neck as he stared up at Remus with confused and weary eyes.

"Remus? What the hell is happening?" He said, rubbing his bare arms as the cold wind tickled his skin.

Remus didn't respond, instead, walking over to the shed and grabbing a shovel.

Virgil stared in confusion, wondering why the Duke felt the need to wake him up for whatever this was.

Remus walked back over, dropping the shovel in front of him.

"Dig." He said, staring down at Virgil.

"What?" Virgil asked, screwing his face up.

"You heard me. Dig a hole big enough for you to fit in." He said, grabbing Virgil by the hair and putting the shovel in his hands.

"Ow! What the fuck!" He yelped, rubbing his hair, trying to relieve the strain Remus put on it.

"Hurry up and dig, otherwise you'll be here all night." Remus hissed, snatching the shovel, digging it into the ground and scooping out some dirt, before passing it back to Virgil  making him do the same.

Virgil shot him an annoyed glare, putting the shovel into the ground and scooping up a pathetic amount of dirt.

"Oh fucking hell, more than that." Remus scoffed, appalled at how bad someone could be at digging a hole.

Virgil reluctantly dug again, fighting the urge to go back inside and sleep. He would've done that already, but he knew when Remus got like this, that was the last thing he wanted to do.

He scooped up a little bit more dirt, the small pile slowly increasing. Remus sat there, a bored expression in his face as he watched Virgil work.

After a while, Virgil broke the silence.

"Am I fucking done yet?" He asked, leaning on the shovel.

"Are you fucking done yet? You've barely dug ANYTHING!" Remus said, storming over to him and punching him in the stomach, making Virgil double over in pain.

Remus took this opportunity to shove him to the ground, making him cough and roll onto his side.

Remus kicked him in the stomach, making Virgil scream a bit.

"AH! STOP!" Virgil said as he desperately held onto his stomach, curling in on himself after each kick.

"I'm not gonna stop until this fucking hole is dug. Get the fuck up." Remus hissed, pulling him up harshly by the arm and making him dig again.

Virgil started scooping up dirt again, trying to work faster, doing his best to ignore the urge to vomit.

The pile of dirt was growing. Slowly, but it was getting bigger.

Apparently, not fast enough for Remus.

Remus stomped over to Virgil, kicking the shovel away and grabbing him by the collar.

Virgil was caught off guard, breath hitching and eyes widening and Remus' annoyed expression.

"Tell me, what part of you doesn't understand dig faster?" Remus hissed in Virgils ear, making him shiver.

"I'm sorry! Its-its just hard, ok!" Virgil almost yelled, trying to not look Remus in the eyes.

"Oh, I'll give you something to be sorry for." Remus snarled.

He grabbed out a pocket knife, grabbing one of Virgils hand and driving the knife into his palm.

Virgil let out an agonizing scream, clutching his hand and dropping to his knees.

Blood poured out of his hands, the desperate attempts to stop to bleeding failing.

"There we go! Now you have an excuse to bitch and moan!" Remus cheered, grabbing Virgil by his sore hand, sqeezing it, making blood seep onto his hand, causing Virgil to wince.

He shoved the shovel into his hands again, digging it into the ground and letting Virgil do the rest.

He pathetically grasped the shovel, tears pouring down his face.


"HURRY THE FUCK UP!" Remus screamed, making Virgil violently flinch and try dig again.

He whimpered, doing his best to grip onto the wooden handle, giving him splinters.

He lifted up more dirt.

After every scoop, he cried harder, begging Remus to let him stop.

He wouldn't until he was done.


After hours of excruciating pain, Virgil ended up collapsing on the ground, crawling over to Remus.

"P-please Remus. I-i can't do this." He heaved, feeling like he would vomit.

Remus looked at him. He'd been through so much!

Remus grabbed Virgil, lifting him up and throwing him into the hole.

Virgil cried out, feeling the air being knocked out of his lungs.

"You're right Virgil. You can't do this. You can't do anything! You just proved my point!" He cackled, grabbing the shovel.

Virgil started crying even harder, trying to climb out of the hole.

"Wait, no no no, please Remus!" He yelled, voice breaking in desperation.

But Remus ignored him, scooping up dirt and throwing it on his face.

Virgil spat it out, the taste of the dirt making him gag.

Remus kept on going, throwing dirt on Virgils face.

Virgil tried begging him to stop, causing to spit and wipe his eyes.

"Re-REMUS! PLEASE! He screamed, sobbing and coughing, desperalty trying to cover his face from the dirt.

He threw a big chunk onto his face, making him shut up.

He kept on going, the dirt piling up on Virgil.

He felt the pressure building up on his chest, making it nearly impossible to breathe. Anytime he opened his mouth, dirt would go in, causing him to cough and choke, which he couldn't do anyway!

The pressure was unbearable.

He felt like his ribs were going to break at any second.

Virgil wanted death. No, he craved death.

It was a shame sides couldn't die.

He would've liked to right now.


I'd just like to point out, he was going to be in a box, but I decided it would be better if he got buried that way.

Also, I got really lazy with this, as you can tell. I would've gone into more detail, but this has been sitting in my drafts for months and I wanted to finish it.

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