"Now you decide to be quiet?" (Lavender pain)

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Holy crap, this got very off prompt. This has been in my drafts for a while, I kinda just added to it whenever I felt like it. I'm just gonna leave this with the orginal prompt anyway. But yeah, I have like, an emotional connection to this story, I think it's probably one of the best things I've written, I love it so much.
Tw: u!Virgil, non-con/non described rape, the usual stuff really.

BloodGod-Techno sorry for the delay LMAO.

Logan knew the second that plate slipped out of his hand, that he was screwed.

Logan and Remus were both in the kitchen, cleaning up after dinner. They were enjoying eachothers company, wanting to get everything done so they could stay in their rooms for the rest of the night.

When the plate Logan was drying slipped out of his hands, both of their words stopped.

Something as little as a plate made them slowly look at eachother, eyes wide, both in complete panic.

Something as little as that made them frantically pick up all the peices and throw them in the bin, not caring if they were cut with anything.

As they both expected, Virgil had come down the stairs, an angry expression on his face. How he knew what happened? Neither of them knew. All they did know is that Virgil was after any mistake either of them made.

"What the hell happened here?" His words peirced their ears, making both of them flinch.

"We're so-sorry Virgil. I didn't mean to disturb you." Logan said, looking at the floor, trying not to fidget with his shirt. Virgil hated when they did that.

"You're sorry? How could you be sorry, if you were, you wouldn't have done it!" He yelled, venom trickling off his words.

The both of them kept their eyes fixed on the ground, feeling infinitesimal compared to Virgil.

"I'm sorry. Really Virgil!" Remus said, doing his best to stand up for Logan. He didn't deserve to be hurt.

"Were you the one who did it, Remus?" Virgil hissed, whipping his head towards Remus, who instinctively shrinked back and shook his head.

"No. I didn't think so. Logan can fight his own battles, as can you." Virgil said, directing his attention back to Logan.

"I'm not letting something like this slide. Come on." Virgil said, reaching out for Logan's wrist.

Logan automatically put his wrist out, letting Virgil take it.

Remus watched in fear as they walked off.

"WAIT!" He called out, breath catching in his throat when Virgil sharply turned around and glared at him.

"I- let me take the punishment, please Virgil! It wasn't Logan's fault, I-I was distracting him." Remus pleaded, noticing the subtle yet frantic shake of Logan's head.

Virgil stared at him with some form of disgust.

"Don't you even try to take his punishment. Go to your room, I'll deal with you later." Virgil growled, sinking out with Logan.

He had no idea what was in store for him.


Logan watched from Virgil's bed as he rummaged around in his dresser, seeming to be looking for something.

"Where the hell did I put it-?" He mumbled to himself, smiling when he lifted up a lighter.

"Perfect!" He exclaimed, walking over to Logan, who sat obediently on Virgil's bed, cautious of his movements.

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