"I won't hesitate to hurt you." (Prinxiety)

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Thank you for the prompt, it won't let me that your account. Sorry this took so long, I'm trying to power through my prompts.

Roman was, bored, to say the least.

The novelty of being in a relationship with Virgil soon wore off.

He still wanted to be with him, just, not in the way they originally were.

Remus suggested taking him to be a pet of sorts. At the time, that idea sounded ridiculous, but after some consideration..

Virgil would be perfect.


Virgil stayed in Roman's room for the night, nothing out of the ordinary for the two.

However, when he woke up, he wasn't greeted by a soft bed and white walls, instead, a dimly-lit, cold room, and unable to fully stretch out.

His eyes shot open, taking in his surroundings.

He saw he was in a windowless room, gathering it was a basement.

He became aware of the small cage he was cramped it.

He tried to unlock it, sighing when he realized there was a padlock on it.

"Hello? Very funny joke, now let me out." He said, trying not to sound worried.

When he got no reply, he called out again.

"This isn't funny. You did this didn't you Remus?" He said, trying and failing to stretch his legs out.

"Not quite emo." A voice he recognized to be Romans said, making him perk up.

"Roman, thank God you're here. I think Remus did this." He said, laughing a sigh of relief.

Roman walked over, a grin on his face.

"Other brother Virge." He said, kneeling down.

"Huh, why'd you do this?" Virgil asked, suspicion steadily rising in his already on edge voice.

Roman shrugged his shoulders.

"I think you'd make a good cat." He said, smiling more as Virgil's face twisted into confusion.

"A fucking what? Roman, stop being dumb, let me out." He said, shaking the door.

"No can do, Stormy. You're staying down here from now on." Roman said.

"Roman, the jokes over, you can let me out now." He said, anger steadily growing in his voice.

"Virgil, do you not understand? This isn't a joke. I'm bored. I want something more, you know?" He said, sitting down on the ground.

"Something more from fucking what? Life? This relationship? Cause at this rate, it sure isn't lasting. Now let me the fuck out, you're acting weird." He said, banging on the cage again, his emotions showing alot more.

Roman rolled his eyes.

"Virgil, you're staying down here as a pet now. I've heard about it, and it seems like it'd be fun. I'm not letting you out." He said, slightly annoyed at Virgil's tone.

"No, I'm not. Roman, stop. Let me out or I'm getting the others." He threatened.

Roman laughed. "Oh yeah, how will they hear you?" He asked, mocking him.

Virgil ignored him, going to call out Pattons name before the cage was kicked harshly, making him flinch and hit his head.

"Don't even fucking dare. I won't hesitate to hurt you." He hissed.

Virgil looked up at him with angry eyes.

"And I won't hesitate to kick you in the fucking ass! Let me out you prick!" He yelled, bashing against the cage.

Roman stood there, staring at him, giving no reaction.

"You're not leaving. You're staying down here to be my pet, and that's final." He said, standing up and crossing his arms.

Virgil glared at him, hair messed up and heavily breathing.

"HELP ME, PAT-" He started calling out, only for Roman to harshly kick the cage, swiftly opening it and grabbing Virgil out.

"What the hell did I say about being quiet?" He hissed, throwing him on the ground with a thud.

"AH!" He yelled out, going to stand up and bolt for the door, before being tackled onto the concrete floor.

His chin hit the ground, sending a dull pain through his face.

Tears fell down Virgil's face as he started crying, overwhelmed frok the pain. He tried pushing Roman off, desperately kicking his legs and screaming out for anyone to come help him.

Roman pinned his feet down, covering his mouth.

"SHUT UP!" He yelled in Virgil's face, making more tears of pain and frustration fall down his face.

He tried to talk behind Roman's hand, coming out and muffled whimpers.

Roman got off his legs, pulling him up and putting his arm around Virgil's neck, who tried to pull it off as he was being dragged over to the cage.

Roman forcefully threw him in, making his back scrape against the metal. Virgil cried out, frantically trying to keep the door open.

Roman slammed the door shut,  putting the lock back on.

Virgil screamed at him, tears falling down his face.

Roman ignored him, walking over to a small table.

He grabbed off a shock collar and walked over to Virgil threateningly.

"I didn't think I'd have to use this, but you leave me no choice." Roman said, going to unlock the door again.

Virgil started crying again as Roman reached his hands in. Virgil pressed himself into the cage as far as he could, kicking and sobbing as Roman's arm came closer.

He manged to grab Virgil by the collar, forcing his head forward, making it bang against the cage.

It stunned him, giving Roman just enough time to drag him out and slip the collar over his neck.

Roman wasted no time, cranking the shock intensity up high, and pressing the button.

Virgil screamed out, writhing on the ground sobbing as the shock shook through his body.

Roman left it going for around ten seconds, before turning it off.

Virgil's body went limp, lying on his back and letting out shaky sobs.

His hair stuck to his forehead, completely messed up.

Virgil was breathing heavily, he tried to calm himself down, but that only resulted in more crying.

Roman stood over him, glaring down at the sobbing mess below him.

"Are you going to behave now?" He asked.

Virgil frantically nodded his head, not being able to bare this pain anymore.

Only one shock in, and he was already too scared to fight back.


Might make a second part when I have inspiration.

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