"I could've gone much worse on you" (Anxceit)

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Tw: (yes i know what i said but for more sensitive topics I will) forced self harm, (Janus made him do it) u!Janus

It and been weeks since Virgil had stepped outside of Deceits door. Weeks since he smiled fresh air. Weeks since he had seen his friends. Virgil was locked in Deceits room, as it was the basement or here. Virgil was starting to think sleeping on the floor would've been better than cuddling with a snake every night.
He had been debating whether or not he should try climb out the window or stay and not risk the punishment. Virgil couldn't help himself. He went over to the window, knowing it would be locked, so he grabbed the desk chair and threw it at the window with evil his might. Glass went everywhere, but that wasn't going to stop him. He tucked his hands in his jersey and put his hands on the windowsill, only to be stopped by a gloved hand yanking him back by his hood. Virgil fell from the floor and started backing towards the wall as Deceit came closer,
"And where might you be going?" The snake asked,
"I-I just wanted s-some fresh air,"
Virgil managed to say,
"Mmhm, and I'm the queen of England," he said a he grabbed Virgils wrist and handcuffed one of his hands to the bedpost. He locked it in and walked into his closet, which was a mix of clothes and Deceits 'instruments'. Virgil tried backing away when he saw Deceit walk towards him with a razor-sharp knife.
"You're going to cut, or I'm going to do more than that." Deceits said he he held the knife in his hand, offering it as if it wasn't a murder weapon. Virgil reached over with a shaking hand and weakly grabbed it. He slowly pulled his sleeve up to reveal past scars, some from years ago, and others from only a few weeks ago. He placed the knife on his wrist, putting pressure on until skin broke. This went on for about half and hour before Deceit said it was enough. Virgils wrist looked like a blind painting, blood smeared everywhere, no skin actually visible. He uncuffed him and led Virgil to his ensuite. Deceit cleaned the blood and bandaged Virgils wounds. Virgil let Deceit do what he needed to, after all, he didnt want anymore scars than he already had.
"I could've gone much, much worse on you Vee, you know that, right?" Deceit said as he constricted Virgil in a hug,
"I-I know, I'm s-sorry Dee, I wont d-do it again." Virgil cried, hugging the man he didnt want to be near, but the only person he could get comfort from.

Btw I know that Deceit is called Janus, but I'm not in the habit of calling him that.

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