"You know I can't control those right?" (Intrulogical)

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Tw: u!logan, carving human skin

Remus blurted out all kinds of ideas, from sex to gore.

Just because he said it, didn't mean he wanted it to happen. He didn't want to hurt the other sides, especially not himself.

He wasn't fond of pain, believe it or not.

But Logan, he was inturgied.

Yes, he knew how intrusive thoughts worked, how they aren't real and such, but he was fascinated by Remus as a side. His personality, the way he acted, but more importantly, how his brain worked.

What he thought when he blurted out those thoughts, if he tried repressing them or not.

It'd be beneficial to his...research.

So, like anyone would do, he borrowed Remus in the middle of the night, not wanting to interfere with whatever the side was doing during the day, as bizarre as it may be.

Of course, it was an understatement to say that Remus was not pleased when he woke up chained to a wall.


"Damn Lo, didn't know you were into this sorta thing." Remus said, tugging at the chains on his wrists.

"Well, I want to try some stuff." He said, writing something down in his notepad.

"Oooo! What kinda of stuff? But I gotta say, I would've said yes if you asked~" Remus said, winking at Logan, who pursed his lips.

"I have a hunch you wouldn't with the stuff we're going to do." Logan said.

"Well, if you say so teach! What's on the agenda!" He said, trying to get a closer look at what Logan was doing.

"I want to run some, tests, you could say." He said, holding up a journal.

"In this book, I have every intrusive thought you've ever said to me written down. Impressive, I know. Anytime you told me something out of the blue, I wrote it down. For no apparent reason at first, but then I thought to myself. I could put these to good use!" He said, smiling a little, a rare thing to see from him.

Remus just looked at Logan, cleary not catching on.

Logan sighed, rubbing his eyes.

"Let me out it simply. You blurt out harmful things, so I thought, since you're cleary not going to learn to stop, I use them against you until you do stop." Logan said, smiling a little at Remus' face pale.

"Lo, you know I can't control those right? I don't actually want any of that, you of all people must understand that right!" He said frantically.

Logan laughed.

"Oh, I do understand you can't control it. I don't really care though, I thought I'd do the others a favor. The best thing about this is, they wont even know it's happening!" He said, walking back and forth.

Remus dryly laughed.

"Your- you're crazy!" He said, tugging in the chains alot harder than before.

"Oh no Remus." He said, walking closer to him, "You're the crazy one." He said with a smirk, looking back at the book.

"Anyway! Let's find the first one, shall we?" He said, skimming through the book before stopping on a page.

"Ah yes, I remember this one. On the 20th of February, at 4:37pm, you said, and I quote 'wouldn't it be cool to have slut carved into your chest!'. Now, if I remember correctly, you said this while Thomas was editing a skit, disrupting him from getting work done." Logan roboticaly read, Remus making an 'oh shit' face.

"Listen! Hear me out, hear me out! It was just an impulse okay! Obviously I wouldn't day that to Tomathy by choice! Just, please Lo, you get it right?" He asked, rattling his chains as he spoke.

The sight made him laugh.

"In all honeslty Remus, no I don't get you, hence why you're here." Logan said.

He walked over to the far corner of the room, where a wall lined with knives was.

He inspected each one carefully, beofre picking up a sharp looking one, running his hand along the edge.

"I've been want to do this for a while, you know." He said, slowly waking towards Remus, who was pushing himself into the wall ad much as possible.

"People always treat me like shit for telling them useful things! And what do they do to you? Absoloutley fucking NOTHING! And I'm sick of it. I'm putting a stop to it." He said, snapping his fingers, making Remus' shirt come off.

Remus shivered at the cold air, trying to cover himself as much as he could which quote frankly, wasn't alot.

Logan danced the knife around his chest, making some blood draw.

Remus winced a little, "please lo-" he said, making Logan press harder.

Logan pushed the knife into his chest watching the skin break underneath the force of the metal. Blood seeped out, making Remus whimper.

Logan started carving an S, practically stabbing the knife into his chest.

He made jagged movements, occasionally pressing down harder, making Remus scream.

He got a rag and wiped away the blood, looking at his hard work with a smile.

"Three more to go."


By the time Logan was finshed, Remus had nearly passed out. His face was white as a sheet, and kept going in and out on consciousness. Blood poured out of the wound onto the cold floor. Sweat glistened on his forehead.

Remus took small breaths, wincing any time he breathed in.

Logan rubbed some sort of antiseptic on his cuts, Remus wincing ever so slightly.

Logan stood back and looked at his work. It was marvelous.

Seeing Remus chained up, barely staying awake, so vulnerable like this made him feel a rush of power.

He hoped to do this more often.


Woah, kinda like this. I'm gonna gonna on writing more graphic things, so yeah.

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