"Scream as much as you want" (Anxceit)

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Tw: u!Virgil, mention of u!Patton, branding, petplay, burning, manipulation etc.

A/N at the end!

Janus woke up in an all too familiar place, Virgils room. Already dreading what Anxiety had planned for today, he noticed his lack of mobility, looking to his right to see both of his hands cuffed to the bed. Sighing in defeat, he waited for Virgil to come back, knowing from prior experiences there was too use in trying to escape.

Around half an hour later, Virgil unlocked the door and walked in, smiling at the sight of a constricted Janus.

"Oh, you're awake sooner than I expected." He said tauntingly. Janus stayed silent, not wanting to give him a reaction.

"I've been thinking." He said, "things have been going smoothly lately, which is great. But I had a brilliant idea yesterday..." he said, revealing a medium sized branding iron, with a fancy 'V' on the end of it. Janus' heart skipped a beat.

"W-why do we need that?" He asked, failing to mask his terror.

"I'm glad you asked my little constrictor. I think its about time people know who you belong to, and this is the perfect tool!" He said like an excited child. Janus debated talking back, knowing fully well he shouldn't but still did.

"I...I don't belong to you. I never will" he said through gritted teeth. Virgil just laughed, sauntering closer and crouching down to Janus' level.

"You tell yourself that, you're a liar after all," he said, Janus looking to the side with an annoyed expression.

"Back on topic!" He clapped, "I'll heat this up then we can get started," he said, walking out of the room. Janus started mentally preparing himself, not even bothering to persuade him. Once Virgil had his mind made up, he didn't change it.

"Miss me Jan-Jan?" He asked as he practically skipped into the room.

"Like I would," he mumbled under his breath. Wether Virgil heard him or not, he chose not to care.

"Okay, I've never done this before, but Patton gave me a few tips for when he did this to Remus!" He said. Janus shivered when he heard Remus' name, missing him dearly.

"He said you're best to go for the thighs!" He said, going to pull down his pants, only revealing his thigh. He went to heat up the stick one last time before walking over to the younger boy.

"Scream as much as you want"

He pressed the red hot metal onto his thigh. Janus screamed. God he'd never felt pain like this before. He felt sweat gathering on his forehead, sobbing and shaking.

"And were done! That wasn't that bad, was it?" He asked the crying man. Janus couldn't form any words, the burning in his leg practically paralyzing him. Virgil took this time to look at the V engraved in his skin.

"It looks great! What do you say, my little snake"

Janus was still loudly sobbing, barely managing to say a small 'thank you'. Virgil left to let him calm down, returning 15 minutes later with rubbing alcohol and bandages, being gentle with the wound. Janus took this time to calm himslef down, the pain finally staring to reside.

Virgil couldn't wait to show his pet.


Thank you to Bear_Ch1ld for the prompt. In sorry it turned out really bad, im gonna re-write it when I've got my other prompts finshed. I feel like I've let you down and I'm really sorry.

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