"Are you gonna be good for me?" (Logicality)

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Logan was sure he was safe.

He always tried to have someone with him at all times, but you couldn't have someone as your side all the time.

That was how Patton was able to get him so easily.

It wasn't surprising seeing Patton sitting on his couch, waiting for him to come back after work.

"Logie-bear, it's so good to see you again!" Patton exclaimed as he walked towards a shocked Logan. His fight or flight reflexes kicked in, and he decided for the second option. He dashed for the door before being pulled back so Pattons gun was on Logans temple.
"I'm only gonna say this once Lolo, you're going to do as I say, and not act up, or the punishment will be much worse, got it?" He whispered into the man's ear,
"P-please...i-i dont wanna g-go-"
"Got. It?" There was no room for negotiation, so Logan complied, Patton guideing him to the mini-van he was using for the time being. It all happened too easy.

Logan woke up to more of what he despised, darkness. He tried standing up, but struggled to move his legs as they were tied up, along with his hands. And it didn't help that his crys for help were muffled by the aching duct tape on his mouth. So he sat there for hours, waiting for his ex to come back.

Patton walked in awhile later. Logan was still crying, but it was mostly muffled by the tape. He turned on the light and Logan whimpered.
"Are you gonna be good for me Logie? If not, I can always let you sleep here tonight." Logan nodded his head and Patton gently took off the tape and Logan flooded him with apologies,
"I'm sorry for staying away from you for so long, i-i was bad, I'm so s-sorry" he sobbed, pleading for forgiveness,
"I forgive you Lolo, just dont stay away from me that long again or this, can be much more fun~"

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