"My life is mine, your life is also mine" (Patsleep and Roceit)

691 15 20

Tw: u!Janus, u!Remy

Thank you to WeirdoBirdGamer for the prompt, changed a little bit but I hope you like it!

Patton and Remy had a pretty good relationship.

Remy had asked Patton out a few months earlier, and everyday had been great. They could talk to eachother for hours, go on late night drives together, doing all the things they always wanted to do together.

Remy had never, ever, set off any red flags.

Not even when he got angry. He never tried to harm Patton, or guilt him into doing anything he didn't want to.

He was the most loving person out there.

And yet, when Patton started talking to Roman more giving him the best love advice he could, Remy started to change.

He got aggitated alot more easily. For example, when Patton would try to hug him after spending an afternoon with Roman, he would reluctantly hug back, then shrug him off a few seconds later.

Nothing too aggressive, but enough to make Patton stay aware, just incase.

However, after this kept on happening after having out with Roman, Patton decided that was enough.


"Are you okay?"

Those words pissed Remy off more than he'd like to admit.

"I'm fine babes. Why do you ask?" He said, turning to face Patton who sat down on the couch next to him,

"You just seem alot more angry lately. I'm worried that I'm causing it.." he said, looking down slightly.

Remy frowned sympathetically, before gently lifting Patton's chin up to meet his gaze.

"It's not you, babe. It would never be." He said, caressing his cheek.

Patton happily sighed.

"It's Roman."

Patton opened his eyes, staring at Remy, confusion painted his face,

"What do you mean it's Roman?" He asked, pulling Remy's hand away from his face.

Remy sighed.

"Its just, ugh, how do I say this without sounding like a bitch" he laughed, "It's just, you've been spending so much time with him lately and I just feel so lonely." He said, tearing up.

Patton's eyes widened, before he moved over to comfort Remy, only to be shrugged off.

"Remy! I didn't know you felt that way, I'm sorry!" He said, trying to gain the others attention.

Remy looked over to him, wiping his fake tears away.

"Of course you didn't." He rolled his eyes angrily.

"Remy what-" before Patton could finsh his sentence, Remy grabbed his wrist and yanked him so he was right next to Remy's face.

"You didn't know cause you're hanging around that daft idiot all the time." He hissed, dragging him to their room.

"Wh- Remy! You're hurting me!" Patton yelped, trying to pry Remy's hand of his already bruising wrist. He ignored his pathetic attempts and escape, slamming open the door and throwing him on their bed.

He walked over to their wardrobe, digging around in the back, looking for something.

Patton fell of the bed, crawling to the door.

His hand touched the door knob, when he was yanked back by his collar.

"Stay on the fucking bed." Remy snapped, dragging him back over, beginning to tie one of his wrists to the bedframe.

"Remy! STOP!" He screamed, tears streaming down his face, thrashing and kicking.

Remy did his right hand up, before harshly grabbing Patton's left wrist and tying it to the other bed post, followed by his ankles.

Patton was a sobbing mess, yanking on his restraints, looking at Remy with pleading eyes.

"Let me go! Remy, PLEASE!" He yelled, crying even harder than he was before.

Remy just stared at him, no emotion on his face.

After a few more seconds, he started walking for the door.

"Remy! REMY! PLEASE DON'T GO! IM SORRY! PLEASE!" Patton screamed and thrashed, making his glasses fall onto the floor.

Remy paused for a brief second.

"You shouldn't have spent so much time with him."

With that, he shut the door, letting Patton's screams fade into quiet sobs.


Roman and Janus ending up getting together.

It took Roman while to build up the courage, but thanks to Patton's pep talks, he got there in the end.

Janus was ecstatic. Sure, he wasn't in love with Roman, but it was nice seeing Roman think he was.

So, they started dating. Like Remy and Patton's, everything went smoothly. The honeymoon phase really.

But it all went downhill quickly.

Roman had just over heard him talking to someone on the phone, he hadn't intended on eavesdropping! But he got curious when he heard him talking about business of some kind, and was mortified at what he heard.


"You heard me talking about what exactly?" Janus said, gritting his teeth as he talked.

"You helped cover up a fucking murder?!" Roman yelled, throwing his hands up as he talked.

"You weren't meant to fucking hear that." He mumbled, rubbing his forehead in frustration.

"God, it was such a fucking mistake to ask you out. I should've listened to Patton right from the start." He seethed, going to grab his keys.

"Where are you going?" He asked, causing Roman to scoff and turn to face him.

"Where am I going? Anywhere but here you fucking lunatic. You thought you could just keep this a secret this whole time? You're a fucking snake, I hope you know that." He said, grabbing what he needed a walked towards the door.

Janus ran after him, grabbing onto his wrist, only to have Roman shrug him off.

"Don't fucking touch me." He said, glaring at Janus.

Janus let out an angry sigh. He grabbed Romans shoulder and harshly shoved him into the wall, most of his body on Romans, his arm on Romans neck.

"Leave and I'll do the same to you're family."

Roman's breath caught in his throat.

"You wouldn't."

"But I would."

Roman huffed, giving his best attempt at a harsh shove, earing a knee to the dick in return.

Roman suppressed a grunt, doing his best to stay standing.

"Now I suggested you keep you're fucking mouth shut. Got it?" Janus hissed, looking directly at Roman.

He avoided eye contact.

"I said, got it?" He said, punching Roman in the stomach.

"Fuck! Yes, got it! Now get the fuck off me!" He said, shoving Janus off as he loosened his grip.

Ah, he was fucked.


Woah, kinda like how this turned out. Also, there's swearing in like, almost every sentence by accident LMAO.

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