"I'm safe" (Remile 3)

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Tbh i was oddly chill writing this, and quite frankly bored. Idek if anything is gonna carry on from here, but like, please tell me if I should carry on cause creativity is ✨lacking✨(this specific prompt I mean, im still writing) . Anyway, smoke grass, eat ass, Heapass (idfk)

It had been 2 weeks. Nothing had really happened. To be honest, it was actually quite boring. There was nothing to do, all Remy wanted to do was cuddle and be all romantic, which Emile not wanting to do that sort of thing with him, refused. So he started planning. Yes he could probably survive here, but he wanted to go to college and study physcology, to help others at their lowest, learn more about people. He wasn't going to stop just because of some creepy guy he thought was his best friend. He just had to think.

2:34am, perfect. He was going to kick his plan into action. He had a small bag on his back, consisting of some food, the stuff Remy let him keep and Remys phone. He had gained Remys trust, enough so that he was aloud out occasionally, which meant he had a rough idea of where the- in the back of the pantry. He walked over towards to door, hearing a soft click. Holy shit. He was about to do it. He was actually gonna get out of here. He stepped out into the cool night, taking a deep breath. God he didnt realize how much he missed late night walks. One problem though, he was in the middle of nowhere. There was only really fields, no houses he could see.

He started walking, not really planning on getting anywhere, and he knew Remy would stay asleep as he needed to take sleeping pills. He already tried the phone. As he expected, no stable reception. There was no point on wasting his breath on running. Remy wasn't gonna notice until the morning, and by then he mightve found a house or something by then.

He'd been walking for around 3 hours. It was nearly 6am, so he decided to lie down on the grass, the sun was coming up anyway. He let sleep consume him, a few hours wasnt going to hurt.


He's gone.

Not in the backyard, not in the bathroom. Hes gone.
God how was it not obvious. He wasn't on edge, wasn't scared, if anything he looked unamused by the whole situation. Frantically searching for his phone, he grabbed his car keys and hopped in, knowing he couldn't have gotten far on foot. He sped off down the dirt road and kept his eyes peeled.

He couldn't fuck up again.

Emile heard a car roaring down the road, quickly scurrying behind a bush, praying it wasnt Remy.

Oh my God.

He, didnt stop driving.

Does this mean hes free, safe?

He emerged from the bush, scanning the area to make sure he was out of the woods. He was. He reached into his bag, hoping, praying he had connection. 2 bars. Oh my fucking God. He dialed the people he wanted to talk to since this whole thing happened.

"Mum, dad. I'm safe"

You know what, it's fine, it's fine! He'll find him again. Yeah. Let him think he's safe, then pounce again. Yes perfect. He always formed the most perfect plans. This time however, he was gonna need a hand.

Yeah just take it.

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