"Save the screaming for later, will you?" (Stars Fall)

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Stars fall time!!
I felt so guilty that I just abandoned this AU so I came back 😋
Basically, I've tried showing parallels. Normal writing is the present day I guess and the italics is a flashback to a moment that reminded Virgil of that. Whatever you'll understand.


Virgil almost dropped the phone he'd been waiting so long for when he felt his shoulder bump into another.

Virgil's reflexes acted before he could think of what to do, head whipping up to look at Remus, expecting an angry face to be staring back at him, feeling his gut twist with dread as he got a look entirely different than expected.

Remus stared back with his usual, unsettling grin, seemingly unphased by the thing that almost sent Virgil into a panic attack.

"Virge! More like on the verge of tears, HA!" Remus didn't even bother acknowledging what horror had just gone down, "but seriously, why the long face?" Remus put on an over exaggerated pout, to which Virgil's eyebrows furrowed.

"Wh- are you n-not angry? I'm sorry for bumping into you, I should've been looking where I was going." Virgil could feel himself subconsciously shrinking into his faded hoodie, his one source of comfort that was most the time his to have.

"They really do call you anxiety for a reason, huh?! Anyway, tell Janny I'm heading into the imagination will you? He might miss me." Remus gave Virgil a wink before bustling past him, Virgil's mouth open yet unable to form any words.

Virgil could feel the memory of a time too similar to this sparking in his mind, screwing his eyes shut as he tried to fight off the flashback that was so desperate to take him, all too keen to remind him of things he'd be better off forgetting.

The only place on Virgil's wrecked mind was the safety and comfort of his room, a place where for the most part, he could be himself.

Clutching his surely bruised ribs, Virgil hurried down the hallway, hunched in on himself, mind racing with too many disturbing thoughts at once, making focusing on one set task far harder than it should be.

Virgil was, quite litterally, knocked out of his thoughts as he felt himself bump into something, stumbling back a few steps, snapping his head up only for his face to drain of colour.

Virgil had a clear view of Remus who was facing away from him, dead still. Too still for Virgil's liking.

Before thinking, Virgil splurted out his usual apologies, hoping all would be forgotten, that he could hide away from his responsibilities in the one place he found solitude in.

Virgil's frantic sorries did nothing to stop Remus from whipping himself around to face Virgil and his teary eyes, quickly closing the space between the two.

Virgil put his hands up instinctively, backing away until he felt the all too familar feeling of his back colliding with the wall, any chance of escape now feeling 100 times harder.

"Wait wait wait, I didn't mean it! Remus just hang on a sec-!" Virgil was cut short when all the air was knocked out of him as he doubled over, wheezing, the same hand that connected with Virgil's stomach was the same to painfully wrap around his neck, stuck in between catching his breath and desperately needing to inhale.

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