"You deserve every part of this." (Analogical)

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Okay, this is a 'rewrite' of what's the punishment for leaving, but it was mostly something to get me into writing again (I've had a bit of writers block) so yeah. It was just based around the idea but didn't necessarily go with the original peice, but it doesn't matter.
Tw: u!logan, whipping, general anger.

Logan had always had an unhealthy amount of pent up anger.

He was an angry person, he couldn't help that.

One thing that, according to him could help, was to find a way to let that anger out.

He'd tried diaries, hitting pillows, listening to deafening music, but nothing helped.

Until he got a boyfriend.

It had happened out of the blue, Virgil confessing his unexpected feelings for Loagn, who blindly agreed to go out.

It had its benefits though. Virgil trusted him. Meaning he'd keep secrets, and wouldn't tell anyone else things he wasn't meant to.

Which was why he was the perfect thing to 'vent' to.


Virgil was ecstatic that Logan wanted to go out with him.

He didn't think he'd have a chance with someone like Logan. He was so kept together and formal, Virgil was almost the complete opposite.

He had no clue why he'd said yes, but Virgil wasn't complaining. He was finally with his crush of 2 years!

Things went well at the start. They got to know eachother alot better, learning knew things about oneanother.

It was more Virgil over sharing about himself, Logan patiently listening along.

It made Logan realize what he must sound like when he rambles.

What it did give him however, was alot more knowledge to use against Virgil. His weak spots, things he liked, people he liked.

It was absoulotely perfect.

Just like their relationship. Perfect.

Nothing was going to stop that.


Over the months they'd been dating, Loagn started acting.. strange.

His patience ran thin alot easier than it had before. Whenever Virgil would start rambling about something, Logan was soon to shut him up, saying he didn't care.

It upset Virgil, alot, but he just dismissed it, telling himself Logan was just in a bad mood and he didn't mean it.

It continued though. Logan kept snapping at him, telling him he wasn't worth his time.

Virgil slowly start believing it. That Logan was only with him out of pity, he didn't actually want to be with him, or that Virgil was annoying him too much.

No matter how many times he tried rationalizing himself out if it, his thoughts always got the better of him.

Virgil would end up hiding in his room, avoiding the world to overthink what Logan had been doing.

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