"Oh cheer up, I thought you're a brave, storng prince" Prinxiety

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Tw: implied sexual assault (not in much detail), u!virgil

Request from XYourRoyalGayX, hope this is okay, thank you for the prompt :)

Ever since Roman and and Virgil got together, things were going smoothly. Most of the fandom were happy, the others were happy, and they were happy.


You see, Virgil seemed like a nice guy on the outside. Sure, he'd let the occasional insult slip out, but no ones perfect, you can't expect him to be. But when the camera wasn't on them, that was a whole new show.


Janus was wondering around the mindscape, hoping to bump into someone to torment, but as he was walking past Virgils room, muffled cries caught his attention. Curiosity getting the best of him, Janus pressed his ear up to the door.

"You're a fucking slut. You'll never be more than that" Virgils words hissed.

Janus was taken a back by his sudden change it mood, bit continued listening.

Roman shrunk into the sheets more, trying to reduce his crying while Virgil was pulling up his pants.

"I guess I should say thanks, but there's nothing in you to be thankful for" he said, running a hand through his hair.

Roman cried more, shaking like a leaf.

"Oh cheer up, I thought you're a brave, strong prince" Virgil mimicked, imitating the princes signature pose.

Roman didn't say anything, however he was screaming at the emo in his head.

Virgil looked at Roman, before laughing and walking out of the room, slamming the door, making Roman flinch.

Once Virgil walked into the bathroom, Janus took this time to go and help Roman. The sight in front of him broke his heart.

Roman lay there, half naked, covered in hickeys and bruises, crying harder than beofre.

He looked up at Janus, voice breaking as he spoke,

"W-what are you doing here?" He asked weakly,

"Helping you" Janus said, "can you move?" He asked kindly, Roman shaked his head in response. Janus understood and gently helped Roman up, him wincing in the progress. Once he was finally standing up, the both of them sunk back to Janus room.


"What the fuck happened?!" Remus yelled when he saw the state his brother was in.

"Virgil. Well deal with him later." Janus replied, motioning for Remus to help Roman move.

Janus ran Roman a bath, letting him calm down for a bit and helping him get dressed after. Remus put on a movie to take their minds of things, which helped Roman doze of in Janus' arms.

"We love you Roman" he said, a small smile could be seen on Romans lips.


AWWWW THE ENDING MADE ME SMILE, AND THATS NOT LIKE ME TO WRITE. Anyway, I hope you liked it, sorry if I didn't do that good a job. Ily u guys <3

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