"You know, I could just kill you, right now." (Intruality)

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Thank you Bear_Ch1ld for giving me this lovely idea, it was nice to write. This is a continuation of that oneshot where Patton sliced off Janus' scales, "take this punishment, and maybe I won't hate you as much." (I'm pretty sure it was this one, it doesn't matter though lmao).
Tw: none, I don't think, just some blood and a fight.

Janus rose in up the darksides living room in tears.

He was clutching his face as he tried to stop the blood pouring down his face, trying to stay standing as the sobs that racked his body made his legs shake.

Remus was in his room, running out as soon as he heard crying.

His eyes winded in shock as he ran over to Janus.

"What happened?!" He yelled, running to grab a towel.

He could barely talk, just managing to make out Pattons name.

Remus' shocked morphed into rage.

He ignored his anger for the time being, Janus was his first priority.

He gently moved Janus' hands out of the way, dabbing the towel against his face, being stained red almost immediately.

"Stay here while I get a med kit, alright?" He said, rushing off to the bathroom.

Oh, Patton was gonna get it.

The nerve this man had was astounding to him.

He came back, doing his best to bandage Janus' face.

There were at least 10 scales ripped from his face, and a few others hanging on by a single thread of skin.

He tried to be gentle with the remaining ones, not wanting any further damage to be done.

Janus had calmed down a bit, now softly crying, instead of collapsing from sobbing.

"There." He said as he put everything down. "Now tell me what the hell happened."

Janus wiped his human eye, taking a deep breath before doing his best to talk.

"Patton r-ripped off all my scales. Said they made me 'less human' and made me look like a liar." He said, sniffing as he spoke.

"He c-came into my room and pestered me before doing this." He gestured to his now bandaged face.

"I-i tried to fight him off, but my God is he strong." He said.

Remus was doing his best to cover up his anger. He didn't want Janus to see him like this, not now anyway.

"He's gonna pay." He seethed.

Janus' eyes winded.

"N-no! I don't want him hurting you. Please Re." He pleaded.

Remus clenched his jaw.

"Oh, he'll have to try hard."


Remus rose up in Patton's room, mace in hand.

Patton was sitting on his bed, doing something in his phone.

"Oh! Remus, what a surprise." He smiled, standing up.

"Don't play dumb you fuckass. You know what you did, and I'm not putting up with it." He said, walking over to Patton.

"If you're talking about Janus, he's fine. I only took of some of his...less human traits off. If anything, I was helping him." He said, not threatened by Remus.

This only fed his anger.

"Shut UP! You're only saying that to excuse you're messed up moral compass. You're messed up, more messed up than me!" He yelled.

Patton grinned.

"Just-" he took a deep breath, "You hurt Janny, so I gonna hurt you." He said, swinging his mace at Pattons head.

He ducked just in time, tackling Remus, making him drop his mace.

He tried standing back up, taking blind swing at Pattons jaw.

He hit him, making Patton yelp and grab his jaw.

He wiped the blood dripping down his cheek.

"You're gonna regret that." He hissed, taking a step forward to punch Remus' stomach.

He doubled over in pain, clutching his stomach and stepping back.

Patton took this opportunity to grab his neck and shove him to the ground.

Remus toppled onto the ground.

Patton stood over him, grabbing Remus' neck and sqeezing, anger coursing through his veins.

Remus struggled to get air into his lungs, trying to pry Patton's hands off.

Eventually, he got enough strength to shove Patton to the side, going on top of him instead.

"This-" he said, taking jagged breaths, "is for hurting Janus." He said, punching Pattons nose, followed by a sickening crack, making him scream out in pain.

"And this, is for being an insensitive asshole." He spat, slapping Pattons face, making his whole head wip to the side.

Patton spat blood to the side, attempting to shove Remus off, but failing.

"You know, I could just kill you, right now."

Patton let out a dry laugh, laced with anger and pain.

"Do it then. Have the satisfaction of killing me, it's not like everyone else would care about me being gone, or that you'd be hated for doing it. Go ahead, prove to me that you are as impulsive as you seem." Patton said, a shit eating grin on his face.

Remus scowled, reaching over for his mace that was thankfully, only a few meters away.

He lifted it over his head, a crazed glint I his eyes.

"I think you deserve to suffer for what you've done." He growled, hitting Patton square on the head, knocking him out.

Revenge felt so good.


Eee, lowkey kinda liked how this turned out.

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