"You're lucky to have me." (Stars fall)

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This is kinda based off that oneshot I made about Virgil running to the lights just to be abused a second time (the one where he was r4ped.) I liked his and Janus' relationship so I finally finshed this draft I had of them.
Tw: unsympathetic Janus, the usual stuff.

Virgil was having a hard time falling asleep, which wasn't uncommon for him.

He tried everything he could to calm his brain, but he knew nothing would work.

Perhaps sleeping on the couch would help. It had other times, and Janus only caught him once, that was months ago.

He'd just wake up early and go back to bed, simple.

No one would be awake at this time at night right?

Even so, he just wanted sleep.

After an internal war with himself, got out of bed, carefully walking over and opening his door, being dead quiet.

He creeped down the hallway, then to the stairs, taking the same route he always did.

Once he successfully made it downstairs, he quietly put on a random movie, just wanting something to calm him down with.

He bundled up in a blanket, lying down and closing his eyes.

He'd wake up later.


"-He did it again. Virgil!" A voice said, shaking him harshly awake.

Virgil grogilly opened his eyes, trying to make out who's voice that was.

"What the hell are you doing down here? You have your own room to sleep in, use it." He said, grabbing him by the back off his shirt and dragging him off the couch.

Virgil feel onto the ground with a loud thump, the fuss causing his head to hurt already.

"Wait, hold on Dee, I didn't mean to- I'm sorry." He said, still trying to wake himself up.

"What? You 'didn't mean to fall asleep in the living room'?" He hissed, dragging him into the punishment room.

"I-I didn't! Please Dee, it's not that big a deal-" he said, trying to pry Janus' hands off of him.

Janus slammed the door open, dragging Virgil in and slamming it behind them. "Not a big deal? This is the third time it's happened, we've told you countless times to not do that." He hissed, kicking Virgil.

"What should we do this time, huh? How about you pick something that will ACTUALLY make you learn." He said, picking him up by the collar and shoving him over to the cabinet filled with various types of weapons.

Virgil tried to turn around in Janus' grip, a last ditch effort at getting out of his punishment.

"Deceit please, don't do it." He said, tears forming in his tired eyes.

"Do I need to get Remus?" Janus drawled, looking at Virgil unimpressed, raising his eyebrow when Virgil started sobbing, asking for anything but him.

"W-wait! I'm sorry, you don't have to get him. I'll behave!" He said, instead being shoved to the ground by Janus.

Virgil watched Janus with wide eyes as he inspected the cabinet, looking for the right tool to punish Virgil.

His breath caught in his throat when Janus grabbed a metal baseball bat.

Virgil started subconisouly moving towards the door, full well knowing it'd be worse if he tried running now.

Janus walked towards him, pulling him over to a wall, making him lean against it.

Janus crouched down, propping the bat over his shoulders and staring at Virgil.

"You should be thankful I didn't get Remus down here, you know how he is when he gets woken up." Janus said.

"I-I am! I am thankful Dee!" Virgil said with a fake, shaky smile, doing nothing to convince Janus of his happiness.

Janus stood up. "Good, then you know why this needs to happen."

Janus swung the bat behind his shoulders, not missing the fear he saw in Virgil's eyes.

Virgil let out a scream as the bat swung down, hitting his leg, shattering the bone.

He cried out, clutching his leg as tears poured down his face.

Janus watched him scream and sob, his entire body shaking from pain.

Virgil looked up at him, a completely betrayed look painted on his face.

"Ow.." he said, bursting into another round of tears, pained sobs and whimpers leaving his mouth.

Janus sat down next to him, pulling him into his lap, letting Virgil sob into his chest.

Janus held onto the back of Virgil's head, pulling him closer and rubbing comforting circles on his back.

"You're okay, it's over now. Remember, if this was Remus, he would've left you here all by yourself, no comfort or anything." He said, making Virgil bury his head even further.

"I know." He said quietly, still crying.

"You're lucky to have me. That I'm here to help you." Janus said.

Virgil nodded. "I am. Thank you." He said quietly, sobs fading down to small cries.

"Let's get you fixed up." Janus said as he stood up, letting Virgil lie on the ground, still quietly crying.

Janus came back with a med kit, getting out what he needed.

"It's a good thing you heal naturally overtime, I don't even know what I'm doing." He said, laughing a bit while looking at Virgil.

Virgil winced every now and then, biting down on his lip to stop himself from crying even harder.

When Janus finshed, he picked up Virgil, letting him rest his head in the crook of his neck.

"Thank you." He said quietly, shivering slightly.

"You're welcome, Virgil."


Things usually went the same way every punishment.

Virgil would somehow get himself into trouble, which fueled Janus. He loved how dependent Virgil was on him. How desperate he was to be hurt by him. How desperately he would beg to be punished by him instead of Remus.

It was good. He had an entire side wrapped around his finger, and Virgil didn't even know.

He didn't suspect anything, why would he anyway? For all Virgil knew, Janus was just the better of the two.

Hell, Virgil might even think Janus cares for him, even if it's in his own sick and twisted way.

Virgil found the best comfort he could in Janus. The hugs that made his skin crawl yet stomach flip, the hurting and words of comfort went straight into him, trapping him in a need for Janus' care and validation.

As much as he hated to admit it, Virgil needed Janus.

He didn't think he could survive without him.


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