"What goes around, comes around dearest" (Intrumoxiety)

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Tw: u!Remus and u!Patton, I dont really write u!Remus as I'm not that fond of it bit I will for this request

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Tw: u!Remus and u!Patton, I dont really write u!Remus as I'm not that fond of it bit I will for this request. Also, its gets a lil rough near the end but it's not too bad

Also, when I get rid of the pictures the writing goes funny so imma just leave this.

Thank to WeirdoBirdGamer for the prompt, I changed it a bit, but I hope you like it! :)

Human AU

Remus and Patton were in love.


But not with eachother.

Well yes ,technically they liked eachother, but there was something much bigger that they wanted.


And God would they do anything to get what was theirs.


Virgil was finishing up his shift at work. He worked the glamorous job of a bartender, taking the nightshift with a few other people.
"Aigt imma head out" he yelled to is coworkers
"You sure you're good to walk babes?" The person always wearing shades asked,
"Huh? Oh yeah I'll be fine," he said as he walked out into the cold air that wrapped itself around him like a blanket. Yes, he knew walking home in the dark was irresponsible and quite frankly dumb, but his house was only around the block. Besides, who would want some 24 year old. (oH I wOnDeR)

He turned the corner, only to be grabbed and blindfolded. A hand covered his mouth. He heard a voice whisper 'sorry' before his world faded to black.


Virgil woke up, aware of the pain in his head. He went to go touch his head only to discover his hand were tied down with waht felt like...cable ties? That was when the panic started to kick in. He yanked his arms a bit more but gave up, deciding that wasn't going to work. He heard a door open and footsteps coming near him, doing his best to move away. His vision filled with light as the blindfold was taken off his eyes. Looking down at him was a medium sized man with round glasses, curly hair and freckles, he looked like a cartoon character.
"Hey there, V!" He said with a bright smile,
"I'm Patton, it's nice to finally meet you!" He said extending a hand, as if to mock the younger boy,
"And this here, is my wonderful boyfriend, Remus" he said, gesturing for him to come over and pecked him on the cheek.
"Sorry for the...tackiness. We were in a bit of a rush, but it's okay because your finally with us!" Patton said. Virgil was beyond confused.
"I- um okay? Well it was lovely to meet you to but I best be on my way now, I have a room to go to and I'm late for my crying session" he said, leaning back as he spoke. Remus just laughed, walking off to somewhere Virgil couldn't see.
"Oh no honey, I don't think you got the memo. Your gonna stay here, with us. Why else would we have bought you here?" Patton said, nearing closer to his face. Virgil fake laughed, trying to see if he was serious, which he was. Virgil lost some confidence which was replaced with uneasiness,
"Wait, so this isn't like, some trick or something. Roman didn't hire some people to prank me-"
"Oh no, I already made sure he would stay outta the way,"
Virgils heart dropped at that,
"W-what do you mean by that, exactly?" He asked, more scared than he was before,
"Well obviously we had to take SOME precautions. Common sence really" Patton said, as if he wasn't just implying he killed one of Virgils best friends. He didn't know how to respond to this. The reality of the situation finally kicked in,
"I, I wanna go home." He said, not really knowing what to say.
"Silly, you are home. Your with Remus and I now, you always will be" Patton said with an oh-so-sweet smile that covered up everything. Virgil felt tears welling up in his eyes but didn't dare let them fall. He started thrashing in his chair, yelling at them to let him go.
"LET ME GO YOU CRAZY FUCKS!" He yelled, only to be met by a slap on the face. Remus' face darkend at Pattons actions, but stayed where he was. Virgil was taken aback by this but stopped trashing.
"Y-you hit me..." he said, letting a few tears fall.
"I did, we dont tolerate language like that, do we Remus," he said, more as a statement than a question.
"I suggest you drop this attitude and work with us, otherwise I can do much worse from what I did. Understood? "He whispered into the boys ear. He shakily nodded in response,
"I said UNDERSTOOD!" he yelled, Virgil jumped and replied with a timid 'yes sir'.
"Good. Alright Remus, let's give our Stormcloud some time to calm down, and maybe he might like to work with us when he's come to his sences" Patton said, walking out of the room followed by Remus. As soon as he heard to door shut, he let out all his fear and cried. He didn't stop for what felt like hours.


Throughout the months they had been together, Virgil was able to gather a lot about his captors. Patton was more physical, which Remus was not fond of. Anytime he would raise a hand at Virgil, Remus would interveine and take Patton away. He figured he wasn't as strong as he seemed. Remus was, nicer to say the least. They didn't talk as much as Patton and he did, but he would catch Remus watching him eat or while he's doing something like drawing. He didnt really mind though, he'd gotten used to it. But as the month passed, things seemed to darken. Patton was becoming more physical, and Remus seemed more easily aggiated. That was until he finally snapped.
"PATTON!" He yelled, the other man stopping dead in his tracks.
"You know, I've let your behavior slide for much to long. I think its about time we do something about it". You could see Pattons face drop and the fear in his eyes.
"R-rem, I'm sorry, y-y'know how I get sometimes right-?" He said, but was cut of by a hit.
"I'm done letting you act like your the boss. I think it's time we go back to the old days, see if that works better." He said a he dragged Patton to the garage. Virgil didn't really know what to do, that was until Remus called his name. He went scurrying over to the garage and was instructed to sit down. Patton was roughly tied down in the chair Virgil woke up in many months ago.
"I've just had a genius idea" he said, circling Patton like he was his prey.
"Seeing as you don't seem too keen on stopping your physical abuse. I'll pull an uno reverse card on you and make Virgil watch, see how it feels yeah?" He said. Patton frantically tried to speak, but the tape muffled his speech like it was intended to. Remus punched him in the face, Virgil shrinking back a little bit. Remus pulled out his neon green pocket knife and traced Pattons jaw with it.
"You know, I hope this learns you. I doubt Virgils is enjoying this very much, isn't that right stormcloud?" Virgil nodded his head in response. Remus peirced Pattons skin, blood dripping down his neck. "So, next time you go to hit him, just think back to this moment." He said whispering in his ear and he drove the knife right into his thigh, Patton making a muffled scream. Virgil was forced to watch as Patton gained more and more bruises, despite his many protest. For once, Virgil actually felt sympathy for his abuser. From that day on though, they both knew not to fuck with Remus.


'A little off prompt', I'm sorry I changed this so much! I wanted to have some basis, got carried away with that and then didn't go into much detail at the end. This is like, the longest thing I've written though. I'm pretty proud of it. Anyway, I tried my best and I'm sorry if I let you down. Also, I'm making myslef finsh all my half written prompts, so I'll try doing that. Have fun you crazy kiddos :)

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