"I will not cry." (Logicality)

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"You will not cry." He said to Patton, hand resting on his jaw and neck.

"I will not cry." Patton replied, begging the tears to stop flowing down his face.

"You will get over yourself." He said, grip now moving to the back of his hair.

"I'll get over myself." He said, letting out a sob as Logan's grip tightened in his hair.

"And you won't cause a scene." Logan said, forehead now on Patton's.

"A-and I won't cause a scene." Patton gritted out, voice growing higher as he spoke, trying to get a grip on his emotions.

"I hope you start to actually do these things, Patton. You know you should listen to me, so please do so. Okay? I hate to keep hurting you." Logan said, leaning back and standing up from where Patton was on the ground.

"You can stay in here until you've got yourself under control, you should be embarrassed." With a cold voice, Logan left Patton to his emotions, once again locked in the tiny room that he may aswell claim as his own.


"No one wants to see all that on camera. You may as well be called Roman with how dramatic you were being." Logan's voice periced through Patton, knocking the breath out of his lungs.

"Don't start tearing up again, I've already seen enough of that, we both know I'll show zero sympathy Patton." Logan said, walking over to grab Patton by the arm.

"I'm sorry! His insult, it just hurt." Patton said through teary eyes, glasses proving to be ineffective as he struggled to see.

"And suddenly Virgil is being dragged into this? The main reason I have to keep coming back here is so that we can stop things like this from happening! I mean look at you, I've barely even walked in here and you're already behaving like a child." Logan hissed, a stern look on his face as he began to drag Patton out of his room, who began to resisit.

"Please Logan! I'm sorry for being sensitive-" Patton was cut off by a sharp slap.

"Stop saying sorry! For Christ's sake Patton, it's like your stabbing a knife into my fucking ears!" Logan said, rasing his voice.

A crying Patton was being dragged out of the room.

"You know what happens if you make any noise. I strongly advise you to not." Logan whispered into Patton's ear as he clamped a hand over his mouth, grabbing both of his wrists to hold behind his back.

Walking into the hallway, they made the short walk to Logan's decided 'correction room'.

Halfway there, Patton violently ripped his hands from Logan's grasp, which earned nails to his wrist, periceing his skin to draw blood.

Patton let out a muffled whimper that morphed into screaming.

Logan kicked the back of Patton's knee, making him fall, casuing him to be dragged the rest of the way.

After opening the door with his elbow, Logan let go of Patton and shoved him into the room, forcing Patton to land on his face, breaking his glasses. Shards of glass cut Patton's face, stray peices still stuck in his skin.

"Great, more to fix on your face." Logan said, harshly kicking Patton to get him to lie on his back.

Patton groaned, clutching his stomach as his face began to sting.

"You shouldn't have PUSHED ME!" Patton sobbed out.

"Do you want me to hurt you more?" Crouching down, Logan pushed down on a peice of glass in Patton's face, making him yell out.


"No what?" He said, continung to apply pressure.

"Please, no, I'm sorry!" Patton cried out, letting out a shaky breath when Logan stood up. Patton bought a hand up to his face, stating in horror at the blood on his hands.

"Quit touching." Logan's irritated voice snapped. "On the table."

Patton slowly sat up, not moving.

"Don't make me tell you twice." Logan's voice darkened, causing Patton to flinch and stand up, hesitantly laying down on the medical bed.

"Thank you. Isn't it nice when you cooperate?" Logan said with the first smile Patton had seen all day.

With no response, Logan sighed and went to gather all the things he'd need begin Patton's correction.

"Hold still." Logan said, sticking electrodes to his arms and head.

"What's- what's this?" Patton asked, subconsiously moving back, freezing in his tracks when Logan glared at him.

"A test."

Patton examined his arms, looking at the various wires that led to the remote control.

When everything was in place, Logan stood over by the box, adjusting the voltage.

"Ready to start?" Logan said, cranking up the box, watching as a shock ran though Patton, causing his entire body to convulse.

Seconds passed until Logan turned the machine back down, watching as Patton's body lay still once again.

Patton shook as he sucked in deep breaths, staring wide eyed at Logan.

"What the f-" another shock ripped through his body, letting out what he could make of a scream.

Logan watched with glee as Patton writhed on the table, tossing and turning in diffrent directions as if he had gone mad.

The moving stopped, letting him gather himself together again. Patton looked at his arms with wide eyes, chest heaving up and down. Wasting no time, he ripped the electrodes off himself, which gained the unwanted attention of Logan.

"What are you doing? I didn't tell you to take those off yet." Logan hissed, rushing over to Patton, pinning him down by the shoulder and putting the wires back on.

"Let me go!" Patton screamed and thrashed, yanking his arm with the little strength he had left.

"Stop making this harder on yourself Patton." He hissed, shooting a hand out to grab his neck, squeezing while burning holes into Patton's glassy eyes, who began to claw at Logan's arms like a wild animal.

"You don't decide when we're finshed, I do." Logan hissed, pressing down on Patton's neck so hard he was sure it would snap.

Patton's mouth was agape, eyes filled with tears as he stared at the ceiling. Desperate breaths had dissapeared as his body accepted this as the end. Just as Patton let his eyes fall, he regained feeling in his neck.

Patton sucked in quick breaths, rubbing his neck with his hands as he fell onto the ground in a desperate attempt to get away from the monster that did this to him.

"Let me o-out." Patton stammered from where he was in a heap on the ground, breathing like he just discovered what it was.

"Have you learnt nothing?!" Logan seethed with a harsh kick to the side of Patton's body, causing him to yelp and fall into another coughing fit.

"How many times do I need to keep fucking HURTING YOU?" Another kick in the gut, "You are CHOOSING to be treated like this! How?" A punch as he sat on top of him.

"You are the dumbest person I've ever met! Surely there is SOME common sence beneath your studipity!" A backhand to the face and Logan deemed his work as comeplete.

Standing up, Logan fixed his glasses and ran a hand through his wet hair.

"I hope you're ready for a sleepover." Logan grabbed Patton's wrist, stomping over to the table and cuffing his hand to it.

"If I hear a single fucking word out of you, I will kill you." Logan's tone shifted, dark eyes staring into Patton's, making his breath hitch.

With a slam of the door, Patton was once again, abandoned.


Yeah that whole electrocution bit was kinda shit, like I've written it before but just forgot everything LMAO.

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