"Take this punishment, and maybe I won't hate you as much" (Moceit)

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Tw: scales being ripped off, blood, u!Patton

"You know Janus, you really need to watch when you lie."

Janus stopped stirring his tea for a brief second, turning around to face Patton.

"What are you implying?" he asked, confusion clear in his voice.

"Oh you know, the tiny, petty lies you tell others all the time. About what you did in the weekend, making up excuses to get out of an event, simply things that a normal person shouldn't feel the need to lie about." Patton said, sauntering closer to Janus.

"Patton, you know I can't help that, I'm litterally a-"

"A pathological liar, blah blah, but please, for once in you're life, be honest with yourself" he laughed, "I know how hard that is for you, but we both know you say that to make yourself feel better about constantly lying" he said, circling around Janus like prey.

"I mean, you never take other peoples feelings into consideration. After all, you talk more than needed." He said, walking over to him now. Patton reached his hand out to caress Janus' snake side, making him shiver under his touch.

He laughed lowly.

"I know how sensitive these are~" he said, brushing over them, digging his nail unearth one of them. Janus winced  at the pain, trying to keep a straight face.


"Shhh, what did I say about the talking?" He said, shutting him up.

"I've always wondered what it would be like to take one of these off." He said, smiling when Janus' eyes winded in shock.

"Wait, you're not actually going to-"

A slap echoed through the kitchen.

"What did I say?" Patton seethed, calming down when Janus made no attempt to interrupt.

"As I was saying, they'd be cute to collect. Add one to my collection whenever I liked." He said, walking over to the knife block.

Janus took this time to run for it. He took off for the stairs, turning before Patton caught onto his arm. Janus grabbed the end of the railings, holding on until his knuckles turned white under his gloves.

"LET GO!" Patton yelled, Janus shaking his head in response, letting tears freely fall down his face.

"I won't ask you again you disgusting snake, let go of the fucking railing." He said, digging his nails into Janus' arm.

He yelped, loosing his grip on the wood. Patton took this time to yank him into his arms, constricting his arms by his sides.

Patton angrily pushed him into a wall, making sure to pin his hands behind his back.

"I hope you know you've only made things worse for yourself." Patton deadpanned, before bringing the knife to Janus' cheek. He gently moved the knife around his face, applying pressure every now and then.

"Please" Janus whispered, which only made Patton push down harder.

"Take this punishment, and maybe I won't hate you as much."

Patton slid the knife under one of his scales, before slicing it off his face.

Janus screamed.

Blood came gushing out of his face, onto both of their clothes. He desperately tried to move his hands to clutch his wound, but Patton still had them securely behind him.

After watching him writhe in pain for a couple minutes, he let go, letting Janus collapse into the floor, desperately trying to stop the bleeding.

"You're fucking sick" he manged to cough out, before passing out from blood loss.

Patton just laughed, tossing the bloody knife into the sink.

"I know~"


So I may have been a teeeny bit angry while writing this.

I dont know what this monstrosity is, but take it.

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