"Forget about your old life"(Remile 1)

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Remy and Emile knew eachother since diapers. All their fondest memories were of eachother. Whether it be playing superheros in the park of staying up all night watching movies. Remy felt different towards Emile though. He had a crush, a big one. So, when they were around 15, he confessed his love for the younger man, but Emile didn't feel the same way, which made Remy furious. Through a mix of anger, sadness and confusion, he started plotting. Remy had always had anger issues, so the slightest thing would set him over the edge. He was going to wait those 3 years, until they could be together forever.

"Hey Em, wanna stay at mine for the night? My parents are away for the weekend," Remy asked as they were walking from their last class of the day,
"Yeah, sounds fun! Just lemmie pack first," the eager boy replied, completely unaware this would be the last time out of the house.

Emile arrived half an hour after they said they'd meet up, having packed nothing more than a charger, tooth brush and clothes for the next day. Remy was beyond excited. He'd finally get to be with Emile! It was simple, drug his dinner, take him to their new home when he was asleep and be with eachother forever! And Remy's parents weren't really away, he hadn't lived with them for the past two years. When he knew he was going to follow through with this, he made sure his parents knew nothing and wouldn't be able to get in the way of his plans. Now all he had to do was wait.

Emile woke up to a throbbing head and a nauseous feeling in his stomach. He let his eyes ajust to the dark room, his lack of glasses not helping the situation. He tried moving his hands to rub his eyes, only to yelp in pain as the rope left angry red marks on his wrists. Almost on cue Remy walked into the room, Starbucks in hand. He turned on a light to reveal a very confused Emile,
"Hey babes," Remy said with a sip of his Iced Mocha,
"Remy, what the fuck is going on? Why am I tied up in your basement?" He said with a hint of anger and confusion in his voice,
"You mean our new basement, welcome home Emmy!" He said, gesturing to look around,
"Remy, this isn't funny. Untie me, right now" he said, growing uncomfortable,
"Ah ah ah, can't do that babes. You're here with me from now on. Forget about you old life, were starting a new one together" he said, walking towards the door,
"What? Remy, REMY!" he screamed and thrashed, desperate to get his attention. But it was no use, his captor wasn't coming back anytime soon.

"Ready to work with me, Em?" Remy said as he opened the door to reveal and tired looking Emile. He nodded with glassy eyes, letting Remy untie him. He was still trying to process everything. Why he was here, why Remy took him. Maybe he would talk to him after a nap.

Thanks to Queen_lemonator for the prompt, I hope it was okay :) I'm gonna be sneaky and do a part 2 because I really like this.

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