"I would say any last words, but that was a while ago." (Logicality)

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I don't really know what this was, but take it. I got super lazy near the end.
Tw: u!Patton, needles, injections and stitches.

Logan never knew when to shut his mouth.

A surpirse to no one, really.

He wasn't, self aware, to put it nicely.

Patton was going to help with that. Just like he helped with everything.

He was out in charge for a reason. Everyone trusted him to make these decisions, so thats what he was going to do.

No one else had a say anyway.


Logan had sunk down after a video, exhausted from all the bickering between the sides.

He always tried to over rule worry with fact, morals with logic, dreams with reality.

Of course, no one ever listened to him. Not that they would anyway. What's interesting about a bunch of useless information.

He tried not to let it get to him though. Even if he did end up talking too much, he would remind himself to dial down.

No one took him seriously as it is.

He tried shaking these thoughts from his head.

There's was no point in dwelling over something that happened, he was better off thinking about these sort of things happening in the future.

Sitting down at his desk, he ran a hand through his hair and adjusted his glasses.

Seeing as he had nothing else planned for the rest of the day, he picked up some work he didn't finsh the night before and began working on it.

It wasn't useful to anyone, but it kept him busy, so he wasn't complaining.

After a while of working, he heard a kock at his door.

"You may come in." He answered, not looking up from his work, until a cheery tone forced him to.

"Heyo kiddo! I just want to check up on you, things got pretty rough out there huh." He said, sitting down on Logans neat bed.

"I appreciate that, Patton. But I'm fine now, it was just a mere misunderstanding." He said, hoping to engage with him as little as possible.

"I'm glad you understand. You know how the others can get sometimes." He laughed.

Logan nodded. "Yes. They can be a bit,
'Extra', as some would put it."

He giggled. "Yeah. You can aswell though." He said, making Logans entire body drop.

"I'm not sure I understand..." he said, trying to keep himself together.

"I think you do, Lo. You over do it with the talking. Always going on, even when no ones listening. It's a little distracting." Patton said with such ease Logan didn't understand.

"I- well, they seem to listen to the...falsehoods, more than actual facts. I'm merely trying to infrom them of the truth." He said, having to remind himself what Patton was saying wasn't true.

"There's a difference between educating and being annoying. And quite frankly, you're leaning more towards the annoying side." Patton said, tilting his head as he spoke.

Logan was very offended by now. How was him sharing information annoying? Pattons logic was flawed.

"There's also a difference between speaking nicely and being rude about it. I think you'd be able to guess which one you're being-" he said, getting cut off as his hand slapped over his own mouth.

"Logan! This is exaclty what I mean! You never know when to be quiet, so I have to do it for you." Patton said, yelling the first bit.

Logan looked at him with wide eyes as he tried to move his hand.

"Oh, don't  look at me like that. I'm not the only one who can mute sides." He said with a slight smirk.

Logan tried and failed to talk, instead a muffled noise escaped his throat.

Patton grinned as he spoke.

"That's a good look on you Lo. Notice how much quieter it's gotten since you stopped talking!" He said.

"It's quite nice. I think we should keep it this way, what do you say." He said, summoning a needle and thread.

"I'm not sure if this is really going to work. I mean, I've heard about people doing this, bit I've never tried it. There's a first time for everything though, right!" Patton said as he moved closer to Logan, who tried to doge past him, instead being tripped up by Pattons foot and falling face first on the floor.

"You're not getting out if this one, Sherlock." He giggled, "It's my turn to do the talking." He said, letting him move his hand away and replacing it with his own.

He tried putting Logans arms underneath his back, struggling for a bit, before he trapped them underneath him and straddled Logan.

He tried biting Pattons hand, resulting in a harsh slap.

Patton summoned a syringe filled with some sort of drug.

He got the air out of the needle and periced it through his neck.

Logan winced a bit, slowly loosing feel of his body.

"Shhh, there we go. Just relax Logie." He said, removing his hand, smiling when Logan made no attempt at speaking.

He carefully grabbed the needle, threading the string at an agonizingly slow pace.

He bought the needle up to Logans lips.

"I would say any last words, but that was a while ago."

Patton dug the needle into Logans skin, just under his bottom lip. Tears welled in tye corner of Logans eyes.

He pushed a little harder, drawing blood, eventually pulling the needle and thread through his lip.

Tears were freely falling from Logans eyes, dropping onto the floor.

Patton repeated this process until there was blood all over the both of them.

After what felt like hours, Patton pulled back, a satisfied grin on his face.

"There! All done." He said, an almost crazed look in his eyes.

Logan was on the verge of passing out. He was pale, and he was falling in and out of consciousness, Patton hitting him to stay awake.

"Don't take what I saw for granted. Now you know what I'm capable of!" He said.

"Oh, and don't tell anyone~!" He said with a loud laugh."


Me: I'm gonna make this gorey.
The writing: yeah, no <3
It always happens. I don't think I'm always that good at writing graphic things, what do you guys think?

Shit that sounds like something a youtuber would say. Don't forget to SMASH that vote button guys, and turn on post notifications to NEVER miss a chapter 💯💯💯😱😱.

ALSO, I'm gonna clarify this for those who don't know, I write ships for the characters in the oneshot, so some chapters like this one, aren't ships and it's just between 2 characters. But that one Roman and Remus one I did I didn't put remrom cause...yeah.

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