"There's nothing anyone can do anyway." (Moceit)

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Thank you to tsuyu_asui255 for the prompt. I didn't really make them 'boyfriends', but that's up to you.
Tw: u!Patton, slicing off scales.

Everyone deemed Janus as the manipulative side.

Deceit. The 'bad' side. The one who only did things for his advantage.

No one ever listened to the true things he tried to say.

Especially about Patton.

He would tell the others that he's the bad one. He's the manipulative one.

But none of them listened.

After all, once a liar, always a liar.


"He shouldn't feel obligated to go!" Janus said, growing frustrated with the conversation.

"But of he doesn't he'll feel guilty! He can't just, not go, it's his great aunts funeral for Christ's sake!" Patton retorted, glaring at Janus.

"Why should he have to sit down for an hour, crying about some person he didn't even know! It's a waste of time, there's no point." Janus remarked, tone growing angrier by the second.

"Janus, I'm morality. I'm the only one who really has a right to make the decision here, besides, what does deception have to offer? Lying about being sorry for their loss?" Patton said, a mean smiling etching its way onto his face as he talked.

Janus scrunched up his face. "You shouldn't have the right to make decisions on our behalf. You use your 'morailty' as an excuse to guilt trip and emotionally manipulate the others!" Janus hissed, making Pattons expression darken.

"How dare you! Accusing me of doing something like that?! Of course you'd say that." He responded, clearly offended. How could anyone say that about him?!

"Because apparently I'm the only one who has an ounce of common sence around here!" He said, waving his hands around, dropping his kept together façade.

"You? Common sence?" He laughed, "Kiddo, that's a big word, did you learn that from Logan?" He smiled.

Janus started at him.

"For 'morailty', you're oddly immature." He said, sinking out to his room.


Janus rose up in his room, taking off his hat and gloves, placing them gently on his bedside table.

He rubbed his face in fustration. Patton always got like this, and he was the only one who was able to fix it. Barely.

A knock startled him.

He walked over, not wanting to talk to anyone more than he had to.

His expression shifted back to annoyance at the sight of a certain blue side.

"What now?" Janus deadpanned.

"Somebodys happy." Patton said. "Are you you least going to let me in?" He asked.

He stayed staring, before opening the door slightly, to which Patton smiled and bounced into the room.

"Oh I knew you'd come around!" He said. "But on a more serious note, I'm sorry about before. We just really get at eachothers throats huh." He said, adjusting his glasses.

Janus could hear the lie screaming at him.

"...you know there's no point in trying to lie to me right? I'm the embodiment of deception." He said, confused as to what Patton was up to.

He sighed.

"Listen, Janus, I try to be nice and apologize, but this is obviously getting us no where." He said.

"I may as well do what I had planned."

Janus was confused by this.

"What do you mean by that?" He asked, now more weary of Pattons intentions.

He didn't directly respond.

"Maybe if you were fully 'human', you'd stop your deceptive tendencies." He begun, which earned him a stare.

"My 'deceptive tendencies' aren't the only thing to me. I think you forget the part where I'm self preservation." He said, not putting up with Patton anymore.

"But they're still apart of you. Just like those horrible scales. They look like lies and deception to me." He said, nearing closer to him.

Janus tried to hide his offense.

"They're not horrible. You don't have any right in saying that." He said as offhandendly as he could.

Patton shrugged. "Whatever you say. But please, forgive me when I do this." He said.

In one quick motion, Patton had shoved Janus into the wall by his collar, summoning a knife and holding it against his neck.

"You know, you should consider me doung this a favor." He said, digging the blade into his cheek, making him cry out in pain as the scale was ripped off his face.

"Get OFF me-" he said, being cut off by his own scream as the knife went under multiple scales, all being ripped off all at once, causing blood to pour down his face like a waterfall.

"Hmm, no, I don't think I will." He said with a giggle, tracing his mouth slit, applying pressure, making blood delicately trickle from the wound.

By now, there were scales all over the floor, blood of both of their shirts, and a sobbing Janus.

"Pat-patton, please- stop this." He tried saying in between crying, trying his hardest to stay strong.

Patton ignored him, slicing underneath another scale, making Janus scream in pain for the second time.

Blood and tears were smeared all over his face, chest racking with each sob.

Patton touched his bloody cheek.

"There. Now you seem more human. You should strat acting like it." He said, punching him in the stomach and walking towards the door.

"Oh, and I shouldn't have to clarify this, but I wouldn't tell anyone about this. There's nothing anyone can do anyway." He said with a laugh, opening and slamming the door on his departure.

Janus slid down the wall, tears streaming down his face.

His hands were covered in blood from his pathetic attempts at prying Patton off. He wiped them of his already destroyed shirt.

Janus sat there for what felt like hours, crying until he couldn't anymore.

He wasn't what everyone made him out to be.

He couldn't be.


First half was lazy, ending was a bit better.

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