"It's only going to get worse." (Logicality)

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A little addition to I will not cry.


"Are you already tearing up?"

Logan's words cut through Patton with malice, sending a chill down his spine at Logan's icy words.

"No. I'm not." Patton quickly wiped his watery eyes with the back of his wrists, shifting uncomfortably under Logan's hard glare.

"What do you even have to cry for? Here we are talking about plans for Thomas and you practically burst into tears. Why?" Logan stalked closer to Patton, making him bump into the blinds behind him, a small crash filling the room.

"Nothing, nothing. I'm sorry. I'll stop." Patton mumbled, attempting to step out of Logan's way, only to be stopped by a hand on his shoulder, Patton's body tensing up.

"You're right, you will stop, I will make you stop." The hand on Patton's shoulder moved down to his arm, grip growing tighter.

"No Logan wa- wait- can't we just sort this out up here?" Patton's desperation was cut off with the two of them sinking out to Logan's room.

Patton could almost feel the wave of cold that hit his face when he entered Logan's room, dreading being back again.

"Logan I'm-" Patton was cut off with a sharp hiss from Logan.

"I don't want to hear your apologies." Sharp words made Patton flinch from where he was, trying to stop the tears threatening to fall.

Without warning, Logan's fist connected with Patton's stomach, just enough pain to stun him. Logan's hands found their way to Patton's hair, latching on like a leech.

Patton cried out, hands moving up to claw and Logan's wrist.

"Logan! Please I'm sorry!" Patton seemingly ignored Logan's comment before, spilling out 'sorrys' and 'pleases' every second he could.

Patton's scalp screamed as they made their way to Logan's bathroom,  Patton tripping over his own feet as he was hurdled into a half crouched position.

Yanking his hair up, Patton was met with his own reflection, bloodshot eyes staring back along with sharp ones behind.

"See how horrible you look like this? It isn't a nice sight, is it?" Logan's grip tightened on Patton when he didn't hear a response.

"No! No it is- isn't." Patton tried to stop the hiccup that appeared halfway through, causing a subtle tense in Logan's jaw.

"You force everyone to look at this. You feel pity for them, I hope, because they certainly don't feel it for you."

Patton let out a strangled sounding sob, body shaking as he grabbed the sink, knuckles turning white.

"I'm sorry-" Patton earned himself a kick to the back of his knee, falling down, nose mere inches away from the rim of the sink.

"Apologize one more time and I break your nose." Logan's grip had somehow become even stronger, involuntary tears surfacing as the tension became too much.

"Wait no no no, Logan please don't. Please- please don't hurt me!" Patton collapsed into shaky sobs, breath picking up by the second.

"Stop crying. Now." Logan leaned down to whisper into Patton's ear, forcing him to bite back a sob, small cries still escaping his mouth.

"Good. Now tell me, do you think the others are angered by your emotions?" Logan's steady voice spoke right next to Patton's ear, earning a wince from Patton.

"Ye- yes, they are."

"And do you think it's embarrassing when you get like this?"

"Yes, it's embarrassing." Patton couldn't stop the tears that dripped into the sink.

"Are you going to stop and apologize?" Logan's voice went low, Patton almost freezing up underneath him.

"B-but you said-" Logan jerked Patton's head down an inch, earning a shriek from Patton.

"I-I'm sorry! I-I'm sorry for being such a baby!" Patton's sob turned into a  scream as Logan finally bought his head down on the sink, a sickening crack filling the room as Patton sobbed.

The grip in his hair finally vanished as Patton went to put both hands up to his nose, eye sight blurry as his glasses were long gone of the floor, blood soaked hands shaking as he attempted to apply pressure to his nose.

"Why- why did you do that?! You didn't gi-give me a choice!" Patton shrieked up at Logan who was staring down at Patton with disdain.

"No, you didn't give me a choice. You kept on crying when I specifically told you not to." Logan crossed his arms as he spoke, watching as blood poured out of Patton's jagged nose.

"You can't expect me to not react! How is that even fair?!" Patton screamed, throwing his head down as he sobbed.

"It's the most effective way for you to learn. If this doesn't teach you then I sure as hell know what will." The grip in Patton's hair reappeared, yanking his head up for Logan to be met with a scowl underneath all the blood covering Patton's face.

"We don't want it to get to that stage, understand? Answer." The expression all over Logan's face read anger.

Patton's face was also scrunched up in a similar way, gritting out a painful 'I understand' before he was let go.

"Clean yourself up. You can summon an ice pack, don't come out until you look acceptable." Logan walked to the door, twisting its lock.

"And what do you propose I tell everyone about the gaping wound on my face?" Patton hissed, a tone he'd never heard himself use before.

"You slipped in the bathroom after a shower, you were lucky enough that I was walking past and heard you fall. Say anything but that and you won't be the only one with a broken bone." Logan's voice darkened as he finished his sentence which earned a violent flinch from Patton.

"Please tell me you understand." Logan deapanned at Patton, letting out a small breath once Patton nodded.

"Rememeber what you've learned today, it's only going to get worse as time goes on."


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