"A useless puppet." (Anaroceit)

506 24 15

I'm sorry this took so long, but thank you to anxietys_anxiety for the prompt. I sorta went off prompt, but I kept re-writing the starting parts lmao.
Tw: u!Roman (he's just cocky) and slightly sus Janus (he could seem bad but he's not really).

Virgil was held at unhealthy high standards ever since he was a child.

Being born into a royal family, he was put under high expectations as he was heir to the throne, unless of course, he married into another family.

All throughout his childhood, if it even could be called that, he stressed himself sick about being king someday, along with his parents causing his constant worrying and anxiety.

He was never a normal child. He never got to enjoy his childhood. That's just how things worked for the family.

It's how it always had and would be.


"We've arranged for you to marry King Roman Snipe, along with his other partner, Janus." His fathers words cut through his like a knife.

All his life, he knew he'd have to marry into another family, but this soon? He hadn't even turned 23 yet! He wasn't ready.

Still, he sat up straighter, looking at his parents with an unconvincing smile.

"Wonderful news, Father." He said, trying to contain his dissapointment.

He didn't have a choice, he'd have to marry them, and it absolutely crushed him.

His parents looked at him, the same dissapointed look painted onto their faces. "He's also invited you to his ball this Friday evening. You are expected to attend." His mother said primly. "We've decided what you'll be wearing, and are requested to try it on later today."

Virgil nodded, dreading attending the ball.

King Roman was known as a demanding man, never stopping until he got what he wanted.

He wouldn't be surpirsed if Roman was the cause of this arranged marriage.

Even so, he knew the consequences of refusing his invitation, so he nodded his head and carried on with his breakfast

He was nothing more than a useless puppet.


It was the night of the ball.

Virgil was jittery as the carriage brang him to the castle.

He was wearing a black and violet suit, fitting to his sizing within the very short notice they had.

The carriage arrived outside his castle.

The stairs were made of marble, leading up to a grand double door that was wide open.

The driver opened the door for him, allowing him to step out and drive off.

He was one if the few people unaccompanied, causing mild confusion from other guests, which was quickly dismissed.

Virgil walked up the stairs, admiring the stone work in the castle. Everything was very white and pristine, matching the sophisticated princes aesthetic.

He walked through the door, being greeted buy a servant.

Virgil walked down the long, detailed entrance of the castle.

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