"You're staying here, and you won't be leaving anytime soon." (Analogical)

574 22 66

Thank you fayfay_27_part2 for the prompt. This took ages, sorry about that lmao.
Tw: very creepy Virgil.

Logan had been looking practically his whole life to find the perfect boyfriend.

Anyone he seemed to meet always ended up being too loud, or too messy for him. You could say his standards were high, but there just weren't many good options for where he lived.

He spent countless hours stalking random guys social media, accepting defeat when he found nothing.

After a while of looking, he had almost completely given up. He just accepted the fact he'd be single his entire life.

As a shitty last resort plan, he decided to download a dating app. What other choice did he have at this point?

Maybe he was meant to be alone.

He had hopelessly looked at peoples profiles, constantly scrolling away from them. Nothing caught his attention.

On the day he was going to delete the app, seeing as no one had piqued his interest, one person messaged him.

His pale skin, purple hair and snake bites caught his attention.

He eagerly opened the message, replying to him, getting a response almost immediately.

Was he actually talking to a guy? After all this time, would he be the one for him?

They happily chatted for a while, Logan growing more of an interest in the man.

He found out his name was Virgil, and he only lived half an hour away from Logan!

It seemed to good to be true.


After a few months of talking, Logan finally decided he was the one for him.

They organized a meet up at Virgil's house, which is where he'd finally ask him to be his boyfriend.

The upcoming weeks were nerve-racking for Logan, nothing had really ever bugged him this much.

He packed his bags, planning to stay a few nights with him, if they got along well.

He drove up, planning what he was going to say the entire time.

He wasn't usually one to stress about this type of thing, but his thoughts ran wild the entire time.

All he would do was confess his love.
It'd be fine.

As he pulled into the driveway, he took a deep breath.

He could do this. It would be fine.

He grabbed his bags, walking up the stairs to Virgil's door, gently knocking.

He heard feet shuffling, then his soon to be boyfriend greeted him.

"Woah. You do actually exist." Virgil said with a small laugh, inviting him in.

"As do you." He said, smiling aswell. He'd been doing that alot more since they'd been talking.

Virgil's house was nice. It was a small flat, with a lounge at the front, breaking off into a kitchen.

"We probably have alot of catching up to do, huh?" Virgil said, leading them over to sit down.

Oh, they sure did.

"Uh, before that. I have to ask something I've been wanting to for a while.." Logan said, tripping over his words.

"We've been, talking for ages now, and I know we've only just met in person, but I can't help but feel we have a good connection with eachother. One I've never had with anyone else before. So, Virgil, would you like to be my boyfriend?" He said, clearing his throat out of nervousness.

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