"Oh, I forgot you were down here" (Logince)

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Roman was going on 2 and a half days without food. Like Logan cared though, he was merely another geniue pig. How else was Logan going to practice to make sure his treatment worked.

Logan was trying to find ways for people to listen and follow orders from him. He claimed it was 'research', but he was crazy, and everyone knew it.

Yet somehow he was able to convince Roman to help him in return for a place to stay. Seemed like a stupid deal by now.

It was so cold. And he was hungry too, that didnt help. Roman just wanted to curl up in bed and sleep forever. But he couldn't do that. Not now. Not ever.
"Oh, I forgot you were down here." His captor said as he entered the room,
"What do you want now?" Roman muttered weakly,
"Well, I did have some food, but if-"
"Nononono, I'll have it, please, I need something," Roman begged, he wasn't letting another opportunity slip from his grasp. He placed the slightly over cooked pasta in front of Roman, which he devoured in less than minutes.
"Thank you" he whispered, trying to stay on Logans good side.
"Good. Now we can finally begin. I was thinking of doing something...different today" he said, undoing the chain around Roman's red ankle,
"Different how?" Roman hesitantly asked,
"Well, we tried water, so I think we should try something on the other side of the spectrum....fire" he said, flipping a lighter,
"Uh, i-i dont know L-lo-"
"Did I ask for you opinion?" Logan hissed, expression turning cold,
"N-no, sorry Sir,"
"Its quite alright. I will only ask of you to keep quiet, otherwise, I can find something to help with that." He said with a smirk, before turning back to a neutral expression. Roman nodded, indicating he would comply. Logan chained Roman to a wall, not that he could go anywhere anyway. He bought the lighter up to his skin, hearing a satisfyingly sizzling sound before taking it away and repeating the action several times.

Logan stopped after hours of the same thing. Roman couldn't do anything though. And the contract he signed was all false information. He should've been more observant. Now he had all the time in the world to study him.

I don't even know where I was going with this, I just bullshitted.

...dont be shy leave requests in the comments. Ill do wholesome shit too, I dont think smut, at least not in this book, just don't expect much 😅

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