"If you turn back now I won't punish you as bad. Maybe. (Roceit)

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Backstory behind this: Roman kidnapped Janus (no shit) out of spite of Patton leaving him. Janus and Patton are best friends, as surprising as it is, so Roman wanted Patton to regret his decisions, which is why he took Janus, yk? "You left me so I'll take something you care about so you'll come crawling back" I'm bullshitting here LMAO

Tw: implied kidnapping, shit ton of swearing, u!Roman.

He started running. He didn't know where he was going, or how he would get there. All he knew is that he had to get away.

"JANUS! YOU ARE FUCKING DEAD!" he heard Romans irritated voice scream through the woods. No way he was turning back, it was Janus' only chance of escape.

Nearly tripping over his own feet, he took a slight left, being almost certain there would be a road that way.

"Janus! If you turn back now I won't punish you as bad. Maybe." Roman yelled. Fuck. He was getting closer.

Janus continued running for his fucking life. He felt like he was about to vomit, but he didn't stop. His head was spinning and his vision was getting blurry. Taking a few messy steps, he tripped up on a root. Janus tried pushing himself up against a tree, but he was too weak. The lack of food didn't help that either.

He heard footsteps coming near him.

"Oh, you didn't get very far" Roman laughed, walking towards the weak male. He tried crawling away, only for Roman to grab him by the back of his top.

"Ah-ah-ah~ not again snakey" he said as he started walking Janus back 'home'.

"L-let me go you crazy fuck!! Someones coming to find me!! T-they all are!!" Janus screamed and thrashed, trying to break out of the much stronger man's grip, leaving Roman unphased.

"Tell yourself that all you want, babe, what ever keeps you happy"

He really wasn't getting out was he.

Happy new year ig
Take this while I try making something *actually* good

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