"Because you're mine" (Anxceit)

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U!virgil, forgot I did him

It wasn't the first time he had hit Janus. But it wasn't the hitting that bothered him, it was the fact that Virgil would be possessive, and treat him like no more than dirt. For example, he would act like he meant the world to him around their friends, and then scream and yell at him when they got home, accusing of trying to make Virgil jealous.

"What the hell was that?!" Virgil screamed in Janus' face,
"Look, Logan wanted t-to hang out, so we did. I was only 20 minutes late!" Janus said, trying to hide his fear from the angry man,
"20 minutes too late," he said with a punch to the face,
"WHY? Why do you do this to me, Virgil? This isn't healthy, none of this is right!" Janus didn't where this sudden confidence was coming from, but he didnt care. Virgil had to know how he felt,
"Why do I do this? Because you're mine, no one else's. I just need to get that through your thick skull," he said grabbing Janus by the collar and pinning him to the wall, kissing him roughly on the lips. Janus struggled in his grasp, desperately trying to get Virgil off him. That only resulted in Virgil grabbing his wrists with one hand and dragging him upstairs. The rest was a blur.

He tried to block everything out. Sometimes, it was impossible to block things out though.

I know how annoying these are, but request stuff in the comments, it would mean the world to me. Thanks for reading too, were all messed up in our own ways :)

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