"Oh, that only took ten minutes" (Moxiety 1)

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He was the definition of perfect.

His purple tinted hair that complimented his hazel eyes. The freckles that were sprinkled over his face. His personality, his taste in music.

Everything was perfect.

Such a perfect person that he had to have all to himself. No one else could have someone as beautiful as Virgil.

Yet someone already did.


'Roman' as they called him, the popular kid that everyone was always chasing after. Of all people he just had to choose Virgil. Patton was meant to have him, not someone like Roman.

Patton would treat him better than that player would. He wouldn't drag him around to parties he didn't want to go to, or treat him like a prized possession to show off to his peers. Patton would love him like his own.

He wasn't going to let anymore keep him away any longer.


"Hey cutie~" Roman said, shutting Virgils locker quite close to his face, startling the emo.

"Gah! Roman!" He whined, trying to open it again. He wasn't going to let Roman make him late for class again.

"Oh, loosen up Vee. You coming to that party tonight?" He asked, leaning against Virgils locker.

"No. You said you'd come to mine remember? You promised last time." He said, frowning. Roman made a face of realization, shifting into sympathy.

"Right. Can we just go to it for a little bit? We only have to stay a few hours then we ca-" Roman was cut off by Virgil raising his voice, cutting the popular boy off.

"You always do this Roman! We make plans then you cancel and make us go to some stupid party! You don't even care about us, only your dumb reputation!" He said, attracting attention from a number of passing students.

"I- Virgil, C'mon, I never do that-" he said, attempting to laugh it off.

"But you do! Stop trying to deny the truth Roman! I'm done!" He said, not worrying about his books and storming off. Roman didn't know what to say, awkwardly standing there before giving a dry laugh and looking at the small audience he had gathered.

"Hell be fine..." he said, sounding like he was trying to convince himself more than the others.


A certain blue boy was walking down the halls, stumbling across a rather large crowd of people. Patton was never one to get involved in drama, but a glimpse of purple caught his eye, making him push through the hoarde of people to see the stormcloud himself.

Arguing with Roman.

His eyes darkened, yet his face stayed the same neutral expression. He watched in annoyance as that bastard tried to sweet talk his way out of the problem he was creating. Patton bit the inside of his cheeck, trying his hardest not the punch that fucker square in the nose.

Just when he thought he'd break, Virgil stormed off towards the bathrooms, leaving a somewhat shocked Roman. Patton took this time to slip away and follow him.

"Vee?" He said, peeking around the doorway, spotting a crying Virgil leaning over the sink.

"Ah! What?" He said, trying to wipe his tears away,

"It's me, Patton. We have biology together, remember?" He said softly, making his way over to comfort the sad kid.

"Oh, y-yeah," he hiccuped, trying to regain his composure, "what are you doing in here?" He said.

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