"Listen before you act" (Roman and Remus)

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Tw: u!Roman, mild description of gore, punching yourself, that should be it :)

Remus always tried to impress his brother.

He tried so hard to make him laugh, make him proud.

If only Roman cared to listen.


"Ro-ro! Can I show you something, I worked really hard on it!"

Roman sighed when Remus burst through his door, practically bouncing from excitement.

"If you must." He said, looking up from what he was working on. Remus grinned, excitedly showing a hand drawn picture of a rabbit stuck in a trap, blood spewing out of its legs in detail. Roman visibly cringed, looking away shortly after.

"Remus...this isn't art, it's gruesome. You can't just make something like this and expect me to like it!" He said, laughing at the end. To say Remus was taken back was an understatement.

"But..I just wanted to-"

"I don't care about what you want, Remus. Think before you act, maybe then you'll actually get somewhere in life." Roman said, looking Remus square in the eyes. The green sides eyes welled up with tears, abruptly leaving his brothers room and running to his. Remus collapsed on his bed, letting out a sob of anger and rejection.

Why couldn't he love him like a normal brother?

He thought, punching himself on the thigh.

No wonder the others don't want me around.

He screamed internally at him self, burying his head in his pillows.

The only thing he ever wanted was praise from his brother. 'That looks really good!' or 'I really like it, Remus!'. Any words of validation from his brother would do at this point.

It's all he ever craved.


Im alive XD
Thanks to Cinnamon_334 for the prompt. I'm dedicating this chapter to K-girlieFanFicGeek as they spedrun this oneshot book, so I spedrun this chapter 😎. Also, I started writing a blankgameplays book! It'd mean alot if you checked it out :) I'll most likely be posting a bit more now. Love you guys!

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