"Well, you can't change the past" (Intruality)

519 21 24

Tw: u!Patton, whips
Full title: Well, you can't change the past, that's why you focus on the future!
Thank you too Allygator98 for the prompt, hope you like it!

Remus was...different.

A surprise to no one. After all, different wasn't always bad, it just, needed to become something better, in Pattons mind at least.

So sure, you could say Remus was 'unique' or 'special', but Patton hated watering things down, it was easier to be upfront and honest.

After all, lying is bad.

So like any helpful side, Patton decided to fix Remus. Just little things at first, like making sure he doesn't blurt out those disgusting comments no one asked for, or his 'creative' input on Romans good ideas. He was the bad twin after all.

And the best thing is that Thomas wouldn't be a bad person with those pesky dark sides out of their hair! It was a win win situation for everyone.


"Remus? Can I talk to you for a sec?" Patton chirped, smiling as he knocked on Remus' door.

"Sure Patty~" he said, not noticing Pattons grimace at the nickname.

He smiled, beofre his expression hardened.

"I really don't like the way you act." He said, not beating around the bush.

Remus' smiled faltered ever so slightly. Sure, he got comments like this all the time! He was intrusive thoughts, people weren't always fond of him.

So why did Pattons words hurt so much.

"What do you mean, Daddio?" He said, trying to hide the fact he was hurt, which didn't go unnoticed by Patton.

"Oh cut the crap Remus! You know exaclty what it means, and quite frankly, I've had enough of it." He said, his smile seeming alot more forced, fake even. "You're the least important side here, face it. Unlike Logan, you don't provide anything helpful, and he's almost more annoying than you!" He said, standing as he spoke.

Remus started fidgeting to avoid crying. God, why did his words hurt so fucking much?

"But I can fix that." He said calmly, Remus' ears perking up, "if you come with me, I can make people actually want to be around you." Patton said, extending a hand.

Remus, still trying not to cry, thought for a moment.

Would he actually help?

He wanted to be tolerable at the very least.

With a sniffle, he hesitantly took Pattons hand.

"Perfect" Patton said as they sunk down from his room for the very last time.


To say going with Patton was a bad decision was an understatement.

He always said he was against lying, yet did it all the time.

It was on the endless list of things Remus didn't understand about him.


Pattons loud words cut Remus out from his thoughts, blinking a few times before staring up at Patton.

"Oh good, you didn't say anything. I'm happy you're improving!" Patton said, clapping his hands, "and here I thought the gag wasn't going to work."

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