"I've killed a side before, I won't hesitate to do it again" (Moceit)

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Tw: u!Patton, yeah that's it.

GiveMeMyOwn I'm pretty sure you gave me this prompt, I'm sorry that it took so long!!

Janus was sure he'd been accepted by now.

It had been almost a year, surely the others tolerated him by now, right?

Roman had steadily grown used to the fact the deceptive side was going to be around more, and Virgil had finally lowered his guard after he was certain he wasn't a threat.

In all honeslty, Logan never had anything against him. Sure, he was pushed aside in the courtroom scenario, and was impersonated more than once, he understood that was Janus' only option.

But Patton on the other hand, he didnt like any of this one bit.

Deceit, of all people, got accepted? The side who represents lying, making up rude and harmful things about the others? It was stupid!

He did know how to deal with it though. After all, he practically owned this place.

He just didn't want the same thing to happen. Wrath was never the same after.

Which was a very bad thing.

All he had to do was make sure that didn't happen again. He'd make sure of it, he always did.



Oh great, what did he want now?

One by one, the sides all rose up to their respective places, all wondering why they'd been called.

"What's up kiddo?" Pattin asked, his cheery tone covering up his annoyance.

"I don't know! Joan asked to hang out before, and yesterday I had really wanted to, but when they asked today I lied to them saying I didn't want to anymore!" Thomas said, frantically running his hands through his hair.

"Woah, calm down dude, deep breaths." Virgil said, trying to help him calm down.

After a few minutes, Thomas' breathing was back to normal.

"Ok, now that that's over, what's the big deal anyway?" Roman said, referring to his panic before.

"I don't know why I freaked out so much, I'm just so confused! I know I shouldn't feel this bad or anything, but it was just so random, like, the lie just forced its way out." He said  looking at the others he as spoke.

Pattons eyes darkened as he heard the mention of a lie.

On cue, Janus rose up, slightly annoyed but straightening up as he saw the others looking at him.

"What now, I was just about to sit down and read?" He said, confused as to what was going on.

"Well you see, Deceit, Thomas here was talking to Joan about hanging out and getting some script writing done, but all of a sudden cancelled on them." Patton explained, his happy tone failing him for a bit.

"That sounds like an emo problem, not mine." He said, staring back at Patton, not seeming to care about this overreaction.

"Me? I wasn't even there when he sent that text, what the hell?" Virgil said, tone getting defensive, glaring at Janus, who just shrugged in return.

"Well, I don't know what to say then. Now can I go back now?" He said, rolling his eyes.

Pattons eye twitched at Deceits tone, balling his fits up every so slightly.

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