"But you will be perfect. A perfect pet." (Moxiety)

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Aight, after a bit of a wait, I got this chapter written. Now I MIGHT, key word might, make this a little series, it just depends.
Tw: pet shit, vomiting, u!Patton, and...uwu baby Virgil.

Patton knew from the start Virgil would make an amazing pet.

He was just so cute! The way he got angry when he called him kiddo was so adorable.

Being allergic to most animals made him upset. He just wanted a puppy to play with!

So Virgil was the next best option.

He was going to be his pet.

Patton didn't care what it took.


Virgils throat burned.

He felt like it was set on fire from all the screaming.

Patton had no right to lock him in there, yet when he came back to let him out, he couldn't help but be grateful he remembered to.

Patton had said he'd let him out if he did something with him later.

He was desperate. He didn't want to be enclosed in that box anymore, so he agreed.

Hanging out with Patton didn't sound too bad, he'd just, behave more next time.


Virgil had been crying in his room ever since he got let out.

He didn't want to dwell on the fact he was locked in there by Patton. He didn't want to think about that.

Instead, he laid on his bed and sobbed, letting all the pent up anger and frustration out.

He eventually passed out from exhaustion. He didnt get a single ounce of sleep during the six hours in the box.


"Virgie~!" A cheerful voice and a knock at the door erupted him from his sleep, startling  him awake.

Virgil didn't get to answer as Patton had already barged into his room.

"How'd you sleep?" He asked, opening his curtains.

He was hesitant to answer, saying fine after a few seconds.

"Oh cheer up Virge! We're gonna hang out just like you promised before, right?" He said, walking over a grabbing his hand, dragging him out of bed.

Right. Just like he'd 'promised'.

He considered talking back to him, or simply going back to bed and ignoring all his problems.

Of course, he would've done that if he was still in his room.

They had walked down the stairs, and walked into a closet.

Patton opened the second door, revealing a dark stairway, which Virgil was getting dragged down.

Once they reached the bottom, Patton turned on a light.

The room lit up, revealing a pet bed in the corner of the room, along with a cage, pet toys and what looked like two bowls.

Virgil stared in shock, he didn't want this to be what he thought.

"I got this all prepared for you! Do you like it?" Patton asked, letting go of his hand and pushing him over to the corner.

Virgil didn't know what to say. Well, he did, but he'd get himself killed for saying it.

"It's...it's great Patton." Virgil said quietly, trying to hide his worry.

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