But Janus was right, wasn't he? (Stars Fall)

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Hey gang!!!! What the flip it has been too bloody long guys. Anyway, I wanted to post this on Friday the 13th but I ended up having a cry and an early night #laughingtoohard but it's okay because this is what I was gonna post then so yeah. But anyways, I wanted to write about the original idea I had about Stars Fall way back at the near end of 2021 (hated that year who else). Pretty much, it was the idea that the dark sides were very bad and really utilized physical abuse (though since then I've decided Janus will not be hurting Virgil in that way anymore) and Virgil would want to run away to the light sides who were equally as bad. Except, these guys were gonna cause more psychological and emotional harm rather than physical harm and Virgil has a dilemma over who he should live with. A whole lotta juxtaposition basically. Obviously, I've tweaked the original idea since then but I thought I'd try write it to some extent and post something for everyone.

I started this oneshots book like 3 years ago, so thank you to anyone who is still here, or have just recently shown up. Either way, I hope you guys get your fix when you click on my Whumpshots cause that's what I want for everyone. Anyway I'm done yapping now, so I hope you like this rough little thing 😏

Also as I'm editing I've realised I'm alluding to stuff I haven't even posted tehe.


Maybe all the empty threats thrown about in the dark sides were actually filled with something meaningful. 

Virgil could look back as much as he wanted. He could look at the days he used to think were so dark with something lighter now, could feel that aching sense of nostalgia slowly eat away at himself as he grows further and further away from the people he considered family. 

The lights' were meant to be better than all the good things in the world, yet here Virgil was; feeling more trapped than he ever had in this pointless experience he called living. 

They had hurt, of course they had. Not a day would go by without a new bruise adorning part of his body, nor could he guarantee himself something to eat everyday. But every slap, every hurtful word, ever uncomfortable touch aside, they had still been his family. 

Oh how he mourned for what once was. Before Janus had hatched his ingenuous plan to destroy the others through Virgil, before he decided Virgil didn't deserve a normal life. It was better than anything Virgil could've ever asked for. No amount of constricting hugs from Patton could replicate how Janus used to make him feel. The praise he'd receive whenever he used his function correctly, the light touches Janus would give him whenever he was particularly good  sent electric shocks through his body that couldn't be caused by anyone other than Janus. The praise fluttered in his chest, and while he realizes Janus' ulterior motives now, it felt so painfully real

But that was before Remus had entered the picture. 

Virgil will never forget the first time Remus laid his hands upon him. Eyes that were far too predatory scanning up and down Virgil's shrunken frame, hands that kept Virgil's neck against the wall,  lips connecting with skin, hands travelling lower and lower-

Virgil couldn't think about the first time it ever happened without a sense of dread forming in his stomach. That first time had sparked the beginning of many more far crueler nights (and sometimes days) with Remus, which was around the same time Virgil decided he needed to get out. 

Despite the constant warnings of the lights that 'would never accept a function as useless as anxiety', Virgil was still painfully determined to make his way to them. 

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