"Oh, were not done yet, rat" (Anxceit)

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Tw: u!Janus, a lot of abuse, cutting with a knife, yelling, swearing
This gets pretty funky, just letting you know :)

3 missed calls. 32 unread messages and an angry Deceit banging on the door. Virgil had promised he would visit the dark sides this weekend, but he had got caught up in work. He was going to let them know, but completely forgot. Now he was too scared to say anything as the messages he had seen we're scary and threatening, like 'VIRGIL! Where the fuck have you been? You better answer my calls or I'll come over there myself' or 'Remus has got the chair set up, I hope you ready to play'. The others weren't home, so Virgil was screwed either way. By now, Deceit had banged down the door and was storming up the stairs. Virgil didn't have time to think, so he hid under his bed.
"Get out from there you little bitch!", Virgil didn't come straight away, so Deceit grabbed Virgils hair and dragged him out, slamming him against the wall, causing Virgil to fall into the floor.
"Ah! D-dee I'm s-sorry! I got b-busy with work a-and I forgot to-"
"I don't FUCKING care for your pathetic excuses! Your coming with me you worthless dumbass!" He grabbed a sobbing Virgils hood, taking him out of the room and teleporting to their house. Deceit stomped down the stairs, throwing Virgil onto the ground like a rag doll.
"I ask for ONE thing, and what do you do? Fucking ignore the ONE time we get to see you. I can't believe how fucking rude you are. THIS IS WHY NO ONE LOVES YOU!" Deceit screamed, continuly kicking Virgil in he stomach, followed by many cracks.
Virgil was full on sobbing. He tried crawling away from the snake, only to be picked up and chained to the wall.
"Oh, we're not done yet, rat". He grabbed a knife and slowly dragged it down Virgils back. His anger was replaced with evil joy.
"How does it feel now, rat? Did you miss this? You know, if you had just come like you said, we would be upstairs, playing games and being a big happy family, like we used to be. BUT NO! You'd rather spend your time with those idiots, letting them brainwash you. Where is the cool, fun Virgil we used to know? Huh? Now we just have this stupid, worthless RAT!". By now, Virgils back was a mess of blood and cuts, past scars reopened. Virgil was screaming and crying, tears and blood smeared over his face. Somewhere in the process, his top had come off, along with his chains. Virgil collapsed on the floor, letting everything out. He couldn't even stand he was too weak. That didn't stop Deceit though. Virgil fucking asked for this, so he was getting the whole package. Deceit once again, grabbed Virgils neck and strangled him against the wall, Virgil on the verge of unconsiounous.
"YOU. WERE. A. MISTAKE" Deceit screamed into his face, a punch followed by every word. Deceit threw Virgil, full force, over the side of the room. It was a miracle that he was still alive. Virgil coughed up blood, rolling onto his side. Deceit bent down the his level, grabbing his chin,
"If only I had a mirror, then you could see how fucking pathetic you are." And with that, he left the room, slamming the door on his departure.

I got very angry writing this, so sorry about all the swearing. Also, I know Deceit is called Janus, I'm just used to calling him Deceit.

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