"You know, this is going to hurt alot" (Intrulogical)

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Tw: u!Remus, whipping in detail, gore

Gripping the whip, Remus stared at Logans back.

"You know, this is going to hurt alot." Remus said, tilting his head with a sadistic grin plastered on his face.

"I'm aware." Logan said, no emotion in his voice.

"Does pain bother you Logan? I've always wondered, you're apathetic, never seem to show your emotions around people." Remus said, walking closer to Logan like prey.

He stayed silent for a few seconds, before the sound of the whip cracking next to his head made him speak.

"I..of course I do. I'm a side, just like you and everyone else." He said, held together façade fading a bit.

Remus laughed.

"Just like me? But Logan, you just told me I wasn't a side! That I never would be, because of one main reason that seemed to have slipped my memory. May you remind me of that reason, Logan?" He said, dragging the whip along his back.

"Because," he took a deep breath, "because intrusive thoughts don't deserve the role of a side." He said, shame and fear in his words.

"Ah, that's it! You see, just because I'm always saying things and not caring what people think, I still get hurt by words. Offended by the things people say! I just don't let it show. Not in your case though, it's happened to much." Remus drawled, making Logan flinch at the raise in his voice as Remus talked.

"But," he continued, "hopefully you'll start learning that you're not the only one that doesn't show how they truly feel." He said, walking a few meters away from Logan.

"Remus- please, I'm sorry for saying those things. I won't do it from now on, I see what you mean-!" Logan frantically said, trying his hardest to convince Remus not to hurt him.

Remus tutted in response, "but Lo! You won't learn if I don't do anything about it. Think of this, if a child does something bad, they need to learn not to do it again. Do you think letting them away with it will make them learn?" He asked.


"Do you think they would learn?" Remus said a bit louder, gritting his teeth.

"They-they wouldn't." He said, voice shaking.

"Good. So, logically speaking, you must make sure that child doesn't do it again. However, if you don't do anything about it, the child will continue to do the same thing over and over again and never learn. See where I'm coming from?" Remus said, making Logan shake even more.

"I-i do." He said, trying not to let tears fall.

"Good. Now we both know why this needs to happen." Remus said, rasing the whip.

He bought it down, a sickening crack echoed throughout the room as the whip hit Logans skin, making him cry out in pain.

He quietly cried.

"Awhh, now Logic cries! I guess he really does have emotions!" Remus said, bringing the whip down again, digging into Logans back, making the skin open and ooze blood.

This time, he tried repressing his screams, not wanting to give his tormentor the satifisfaction of seeing him in pain.

Remus smiled. He loved seeing Logan try to ignore his pain like he always did.

He lifted the whip above his head, bringing it down for the third time. The barbs caught onto Logans back, shredding his skin to small ribbons, blood and skin falling upon the concrete floor.

Logan yelped, feeling his skin being torn by the barbed torure device, fully aware of the crimson blood slowly pouring down his back, staining his already ruined jeans.

Remus repeated this process for hours waiting for the numbness to fade before cracking the whip again.

Logan wanted to pass out so badly. The pain was unbearable. His vision was blurry with tears, his back burned with every slight movement he made, and there was an agonizing ringing in his ears, making it hard to hear his own thoughts.

After around 30-something whips (Remus stopped counting after 15) he dropped the blood covered whip on the dirty floor and made his way over to a trembling Logan.

Remus dug his nails in the multiple wounds in his back, making Logan cry out.

"REMUS! Please! I've-i've learned, i-i'll stop! I'm done! Just, ple-please!" Logan sobbed, body racking each time he cried.

Remus watched his discomfort, deciding if he should stop or carry on.

After making a decision, Remus reached out and unlocked the chains holding Logans limp body up, falling to the ground with a loud thump, not even trying to save himself.

"Am I a side?" Remus asked, kneeling down to Logans level and gripping his chin.

"Ye-yes." He said, eyes half lidded as he took big, desperate breaths.

"So you're not going to tell me I'm not?" He asked, a surprisingly strong grasp on Logans already bruising chin.

"I won't! Please!" He begged, using all the endgery he had left to convince Remus he'd learned his lesson.

"Hm. I really hope so." He said, letting go of Logans face and standing up.

Logan let out a sigh of relief, breath hitching when he felt a harsh kick on his stomach.

"Oh, and don't tell anyone about this, common sence really, but I'd hate to have to drag the others into this." He said, before walking out of the door, leaving him in almost complete darkness while he sobbed.

He was gonna be here for a while.


WOAH! Ngl, kinda proud of this. It's not thaaaaaat detailed gore wise, but I still think it's pretty good.

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