"You're stuck with me, forever" (Logicality)

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This gets pretty funky, just warning ya ;)

Tied to a chair. Gagged. Blindfolded. Logan swore he was having de ja vu.

The truth was though, Logan was absouloutly petrified. He didn't know what to expect. Well that was half true, he knew why this was happening, because he tried to leave Patton, but that was definelty not aloud.

"Logie~" patton said in a sing song voice. The voice alone was enough to make Logan whimper.
"Oh Logan, you know why your here, right?" He teased,
"Your here, because you tried to leave me," he said, a small tug in his hair turning into harsh pulling. Logan tried to talk behind the gag, but to his expectance, it was muffled.
"You're not going anywhere" he hissed, making a deep gash somewhere on Loagns leg, earning a scream from Logan.
"How stupid are you? Thinking you can go and ask for help," another cut, this time on his arm,
"Who would actually want to help you anyway," this time, his lower back was the victim, cold air touching the wound. Patton grabbed Logan face, undoing the gag and harshly kissing him,
"Its fine though, Logie" he said as he undid the ropes that were binding him,
"I'll always forgive you. Besides, you're the one that gets punished, not me" he said, dragging a weak Logan by the collar and propped him against the cold concrete walls.
"P-patton, I'm so s-sorry, I should-shouldnt have left, p-please, I'll s-starve, I'll do a-anything just ple-" he was cut of by Patton slapping him,
"You're begging only encourages me, LoLo".

Patton returned with a bucket of water, Logan backing up until he hit the wall. He grabbed the shaking man by his neck and forced him under water, Logan inhaling some off the water. Pattins grip on turned harsher when Logan tried to breathe. He pulled him out if the water. Logan coughed and gasped for air, before repeating the action. Logan stopped fighting after the forth time.
"P-patton, puh-lease, im d-done" he wheezed. Patton thought for a moment before picking Logan up and walking to the second most scary part of the house, the wardrobe.
"I hope you've learned your lesson Logie, you stuck with me, forever" he threw Logan onto ground, shutting the door to leave Logan with his own thoughts.

Edit: this chapter (and many others) are very similar to etherealsanity book Patton's Perfect Family, which if you haven't already, should definitely check out. Alot of these older oneshots are inspired by some of theirs. In no way am I trying to copy or anything, I just like the writing lmao.

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