the voice of my saviour

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"Patton is nothing but goodness. That he hit you last night only shows how capable you are of driving even saints to madness."

All hope Janus had clumsily gripped to finally slipped from his weak grasp upon hearing Virgil's ever so convinced voice in his ears.

Janus stared with furrowed eyebrows, mouth slightly agape as he stared at the side he used to know better than himself, the side now so sure that the person he was warned never to side with was in the right.

The finality in Virgil's voice twisted Janus' stomach into a knot he didn't think he could untie.

"For every hit he gives you is one that is laced with thought. Patton doesn't raise his arm to hurt; but to help, which even the most troubled come to understand." Virgil mimicked his words with such clarity, his calm and controlled tone causing bile to rise in the back of Janus' throat, mind racing so much to the point he nearly forgot what this interaction had originally been about.

Janus opened and closed his mouth, "what did he do to you?"

Virgil stared back with almost nothing in his eyes, lips resting unnaturally on his face; neither happy nor sad.

"Only what he had to." Had there been any other noise, Janus might've missed the words that left his mouth.

The room lost its warmth as Virgil abruptly sunk out, leaving Janus time to mull over words he'd never thought he'd hear from the anxious sides mouth.

"What will you say when he approaches?"

"You helped me."

"And what happens if he doubts that?"

"You will help him understand."

"You'll help them all understand."

                       '*•.¸♡ ♡¸.•*'

Hello again!! Found this line on Tumblr end of last year and Holy shit I flipped out. It's felt so brainwashy and I couldn't ignore it. I think it was a Patton defense quote or something but DAMNNNN did that create something in me.

Thoughts? 😋😋

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