"I will be a good boyfriend" (Logicality)

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Tw: Sensory deprivation

Logan wasn't allowed out.

It wasn't anything drastic, Patton just wanted to keep him safe, right?

He was barely able to convince him to let him go to their neighbours party. It was nothing, just a few friends at a barbecue, but it was much more than that in Pattons eyes. It was a chance for Logan to escape, to say horrible, untrue things about Patton. He was a good person though, no one would believe Logan.

"Hey Patton, the neighbours invited us over, d-do you think we could go for a bit?" Logan hestaintly asked, knowing the risk he was taking,
"Well, I suppose you have been good lately, but how do I know you wont try to say bad things about me?" He remarked, nearing closer to Logan,
"N-no, I promise I'll be good, just an hour, that's all!" Logan pleaded. He was desperate to leave the house for a bit. Desperate to talk to another human being. Deperstae to get away from Patton.
"Okay, but only for an hour. And Logan I swear if you try anything-"
He was cut off by Logan convincing him he'd behave, and that he didn't need to go anywhere else.
"Well, your words, not mine".

Patton reached out to knock on the oak door. They were greeted by a man in a white shirt, with a red sash over his shoulder,
"Ah, I'm so glad you guys came! I didn't think you'd be able to make it," Roman beamed as he led them to the backyard. There was a short male in a black and purple hoodie, talking to a guy in a hat with a burn on the left side of his face.
"Logan, right? It's so good to finally meet you, I havent seen you out of the house since you guys moved here. I'm Remus, Roman's brother." He beamed, patting Logan on the shoulder. Pattons eyes darkened, but his smile stayed the same.

The hour went faster than Logan would have hoped, and Patton, with his slickly sweet voice was able to make up a believable excuse and leave.

"What the hell was that?" Patton said as soon as the couple entered there house. "Are you trying to make me jealous?"
"P-Patton, what are you talking about, I-I didnt do anything." Logan said, visibly confused,
"Oh, so what do you call that disgusting rat touching your shoulder, or touching Janus' hand when you helped him carry out food?" Patton yelled as he pinned Logan to the wall by his throat,
"P-pat...stop-" Logan pleaded, but it was no use, Patton was already dragging him over to the closet. Logan struggled in Pattons harsh grip, only to be thrown into the darkness, a blindfold slipped over his eyes, mouth taped shut, hands tied together and headphones blasting the same words over and over again, "I will be a good boyfriend". Logans screams were muffled by the duct tape threatening to rip off his skin. Patton shut the door and locked it behind him, Logan left go dwel in his own thoughts.

It was hours later before Patton finally came back in, taking the headphones off Logan's aching head, then untying his hands, blind fold and gently taking the tape off. Logan immediately hugged Patton, apologising like crazy, unable to see Pattons smirk.

Okay wow this was long. Also, thank you so much for reading, I am genuinely thankful. Dont be shy to leave suggestions, I will most likely do them. Have fun reading you crazy kiddos.

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