"Let's see if this stops you crying" (Moxiety)

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Virgil was having another panic attack. He tried to control it, but that was almost impossible. It reached out to Thomas, in other words, Virgil knew he was screwed. He ran into his room, hiding in his closet. A fuming Patton came in and searched the room,
"Virgey, were not playing hide and seek. Come out from the wardrobe, I know you're in there."
Virgil complied, crying as he did so,
"P-pat, i-im sorry, I tried c-controlling it I-"
"Remember what I said Stormcloud, don't st-st-stutter," Patton mocked trying to get a rise out of Virgil. When he did that, Virgil wanted to punch him right in his manipulative face, but he learned from last time, that was absolutely not an option. Instead he started to cry from the embarrassment. It was nothing, but Virgil was still recovering from his attack, so the slightest thing tipped him over the edge.
"Stormcloud, what did I say?"
When Virgil didnt answer, he grabbed him by the arm and into one of the many closets in the house,
"You liked being away from me in here, so make yourself at home."
Patton said as he threw a sobbing Virgil onto the floor,
"P-Patton please, not this, i- " he was unable to finish as Patton slipped a gag into his mouth. Virgil didn't open his mouth, so Patton punched him, Virgil finally following instructions.
"Let's see if this will stop you crying" Patton shut the door, locking it leaving a crying Virgil in the corner.

Hours later, Patton came back in. The gag was so tight around Virgils mouth, he was sure his lips would stay in the shape from where it was. Patton opened the door to reveal a crying Virgil. He whimpered away as Patton came closer to his and pulled him up by his hoodie.
"Ready to listen to me?" Patton said, looking dead into Virgils eyes. He nodded his head vigorously, letting Patton taking out the gag,
"Pat, i-im sorry. It wont ha-happen again" He whimpered, eyes bloodshot from crying,
"Good boy. But just know, you won't be let off as easy next time"

Btw this isn't meant to come off as kinky (you know who you are) *coughs loudly*

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